Tuesday, December 3, 2013

HUMBLE Yourself

Today I was humbled by this sweet little 18 month old. 9She did it politely, without wrath; but, nonetheless humbled. 10We recently started going back to the gym (I have been working out from home lately) and Emerson is not to keen on being left in the gym nursery especially not without her bubba.2 Today Bubba was in tow but she was still trying to decide if she really wanted to stay and began fussing and wanting her momma. 3I played with her and decided she was good to go, but when I tried to get up same thing she wanted her momma.4 I began to doubt why I even attempted the gym today, but then I got an idea….mommy’s always do that! 5Emerson loves You tubes of Elmo and barney so I decided I would turn one on my phone to occupy her at least until she was ready to play…so, I left my phone with her and walked out. 6As I was heading to the treadmill I thought to myself I can’t wait to catch up on what’s going on in the world (FB, etc.) and listen to some K-love as I run…..OH no Emmy has my phone!7 I caught myself being sad no disappointed I gave my phone to her but then thought nope it is rare I get moments like this I will use it another way, so I did, I prayed. 1I prayed blessings over my family, my church family, my friends, my patients, my kids, my husband…the list goes on and on.


So many in my life are rejoicing or hurting in so many ways and I petitioned my father on their behalf. Now I tell you this not because I want some glory or a pat on the back but because how much do we let technology, our phones, FB, etc., get in the way and distract us? I hope very little but I fear we let it way too much. So, after praying over my friends, my family and others in my life I began thanking god for my sweet Emmy for giving me moments like this, uninterrupted moments. Not only did I get physically healthy but spiritually healthy as well, and to make it even better I did them at the same time. Can you say multitasking in its best form.

Thank you God for humbling me through my children everyday, may I always be aware of these moments and take full advantage of them!

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