Monday, August 5, 2013

Davis’ first day of preschool

“Hold my heart up oh Lord, I am so proud and yet so sad time is passing by so quickly!” My prayer I said over and over this morning. My sweet baby boy went to his first day of preschool, his first actual thing without mommy and he LOVED it! I am so proud at how smart, kind, loving and sweet he is. I know he will do excellent at school and make some great friends and memories but man time sure does fly. Why is it when you look at your babies you see them as young babies in the hospital…I feel like I like blinked and he is SO big, smart, and handsome! I know God helped me hold it together today and I am so glad I did because my little baby I mean boy LOVED school and has not stopped talking about it!

This is right before he left the house…

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This is his shirt that will unfortunately fit him before too long!

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This is my silly boy!

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Davis’ interview before school

What's the first day of school without doughnuts?

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This boy has the biggest heart ever, especially for his sister..sharing doughnuts!

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Yep, she’s proud!

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LOOK at him…so stinking big!

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Look Lala, his name on a Reece Piece! Looking in his class door!

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Finding his cubby and heading to play dough! So glad he has had so much prepping from Jill baby!

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Telling Daddy bye bye..melts my heart!

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Ok, I must admit I cried big crocodile tear's as I left the parking lot, but I looked in my rearview mirror and saw Emerson kissing her book of family members and knew I would be just fine…

Don’t think sissy cried too much that Davis started was so much fun having some girly time with miss e!

We read books


painted nails…


played in mommy's jewelry!


and of course watched Elmo!


Then we met Davis and Daddy for an extra special lunch at Papa's pizza! Davis was so excited to tell me all about school and how well he had done! He wanted to do everything himself..when I asked him to wait on us, he said but mom I’m in pre-k now! I can do it! HA!

These are his after school shots..full of energy!

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SO is Emerson!!

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SO we used up some of that energy before nap time!!

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WE even got a good dog petting, this poor boy wants his own dog so bad!


These are his first papers from school!

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Davis’ interview after school


This one is just extra…enjoy!


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