Monday, August 26, 2013

Saturday visit to Memphis to see the Butlers

We were blessed to get to live near the Butlers in Louisville. Now, we live a little over an hour away so Saturday we road tripped to spend the day with them. The boys are so cute, they always pick right up where they left off..Davis hugging and Cole telling him that’s enough! HA! Seriously, they are super sweet together and have so much fun playing!


Murray, aka Mr. fun, let the kids pop their own pop corn…umm, a huge hit!


Jordan showing me her cheese face! Love the next one of Walker attempting to break through the “Jordan armor” that girl has skill! 



Just in case you forgot she came road tripping too! HA!


Sweet boys cheesing it up! Bring a little silly since I made them stop to smile! HA!


Our group shots…

I love how Emerson is after the popcorn, how Jordan begins to warm up and smile, how Davis is trying to protect his popcorn, and how Cole cheeses practically the whole time! HA!


We love each and every one of you Butler’s and cannot wait to meet your newest addition, HAYES! Thankful for such sweet Godly friends and cannot wait to see you all again! Sooner than later, hopefully!

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