Friday, August 30, 2013

Our last days before Mia and Pops house

We had a busy and fun weekish plan before Mia showed up to take the babies back to KY this week. Our major accomplishment was Davis eating grapes and finding out Emerson no longer needed them cut in half to eat them. (She just took one of the stem and popped it in her mouth like she knew what she was doing..and she did it! My picky boy sure did impress me with his love for grapes..he kept saying I need to eat more so I can grow tall and go see Mickey Mouse!




I keep some toys in the walk out attic to make days when we are at home or especially boring days more fun. A forgotten toy is like a NEW toy to little ones! On this particular day I pulled out the tent and tunner…can you say LOVE! This little girl was in heaven! Her giggle was so cute! We played everything from chase, to peek a boo, to hide and seek and she did not stop giggling!


On Tuesday Emerson slept REALLY late so we decided to skip her morning nap and fill it with some FUN ZONE! We even got to take Peyton with us and meet Korbin there! The kids loved it and by the end Emerson was doing the slide all by herself..seriously! I have never seen a 15 month old be this strong and this fearless! EVER! WATCH THE VIDEOS ALL BY HERSELF PEOPLE! I know some 2 year olds who cannot even do this out momma, this girl is STRONG!




While Davis was at school Emerson decided she needed to learn..ha! NOT! She just wanted to climb in his school chair and be a MONKEY!


No special reason for this picture except I love how she is looking up at him!


My house sure is clean and quiet…but man I will take a dirty loud house anyday over not getting to see these precious babies! Enjoy your kiddos, take life one day at a time, you can’t take it with you, life is not all about money, the best things in life are free, I could keep going on and on!

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