Monday, August 26, 2013

I don’t want to be super mommy

I don’t want to be a super mommy, I want to be Davis and Emerson’s mommy. Yep, I’m admitting it I can not do it. I can’t be the best mommy, most fun mommy, most active mommy, most crafty mommy, I’m just going to be Davis and Emerson’s mommy. I don’t want to spend my time reading blog after blog, book after book, magazine after magazine on the coolest things to do with your kids. I want to live life with my kids now and make memories with them now that I can blog about…so they can read about what they did growing up. I am not bothered that we may not do as much, as OTHER families. I want to do what's best for MY family. Don’t get me wrong I have pinterested many activities for me and my babies to do, but they nor any article get in the way of life with my family. No activity, article, game etc. is ever more important than my family!

I promise to take time to be silly, and to let you be silly…. even if it means things take longer!


I promise to take time to say cheese, so that we have LOTS of pictures to keep our memories alive.


I promise to play, even if it means taking my imagination to new heights….like pretending I am a firefighter giving a fire safety meeting students at the library. (all pretend, of course)

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I promise to make messes, and clean up later. Messes just mean more fun, right?

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I promise to take walks at your speed, even if it means we are late and we make a scene.

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I promise to read the Bible to you, anytime you want to hear the word. And even times when you don’t think you want to hear it…




I promise to pay attention to the little things, you know like how your hair curls when it’s wet or you are hot. Or how you must have a popsicle to cool you down. Or notice how you are the best squatter around!

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I promise to love! To love you like Corinthians tells us to love…I will encourage you to love…love God, others and yourself.

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I won’t be your super mommy. I will mess up and disappoint you, but I will always be your mommy, Davis and Emerson. Thank you for allowing me this privilege!

Since Davis has began school he has became more sophisticated, more mature, more independent. He is using words like “expert” and saying things like “mom I can do that because I am in pre-k.”  It is not only making me giggle but making me look at him in a different way….a preschooler! He amazes me with his knowledge and his memory. Today he was describing a “confidence” and then he proceeded to tell me we needed to have a yard sale because “we have too much stuff” and then to asking me about if African children have friends, since they don’t have toys. This boys mind never stops. He is on the go, always thinking and super sensitive to others around him. His teacher along with the other teachers at his school were commenting after 1 short week (he only goes two days for  2.5 hours) about how he is so caring for others, even for those younger than him, how he goes out of his way to play with anyone and everyone and makes sure everyone is included. Praise God. I’ve spent the last four years of my life dedicated to molding him and teaching him about God and I believe he is not only getting it but practicing it. Something that is difficult for most adults, even his mommy. Grateful for each moment I have with him and his sister. Praying I never take those moments for granted. Thanking God for humbling me in such a way as this!




VIDEOS: (don’t really belong to this post, but its my blog so…)


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