Friday, August 2, 2013

Emerson is 15 months

Emerson sure is growing up fast on us! She weighed in today at 23.12 lbs., and was 31 1/2 inches tall! She was not especially thrilled about the finger stick she receive first and displayed her awesome language by saying, better yet screaming  “OUT” after it was over! When the doctor came in she was all smiles until it was time to touch her and her stranger danger (which recently just appeared) began. She did not want him touching her and really did not want his stethoscope on her chest! After he was done she went back to be her friendly self and then the shots came…oh me! Three shots was just too much for her to handle! So glad it was done and big brother was not there to witness her screaming..he does not like when people make her mad!


This is what happened on the way home!


Emerson has changed so much this month! First, she can wear a pony tail! HA! IT looks like her mommas’ with the back falling out but at least she gets it honest!


Her big brother is still head over heels for her, despite the fact she has become much more firm with him! She lets him now when enough is enough very quickly these days! She is a cuddly girl but that brother can sure smother her!


She takes pride in being able to make messes and play just about anything Davis can p;ay, with the exception of Legos!


She is busy and in to EVERYTHING! She keeps us on our toes and we never know what she might do next!


Like think statues are real! She was determined this dog was real and she would not stop barking at it or hugging it the entire time we swam the other day!


She will play with just about anything and doesn’t really require any help or assistance!


She is still the queen of sleep. She sleeps in her own bed and enjoys two naps a day for about 2 hours each one and sleeps about 12 hours at night! She can definitely miss a nap now but she sure enjoys cuddling with her baby, toy of choice and blanket for a snooze!

She eats fantastically and I love feeding and eating with her because she LOVES food! She is not picky and we haven’t found anything yet that she will not eat..complete opposite from her brother!

She LOVES books and will read and play with them for hours! She really just enjoys being busy. She can occupy herself, it just may not always be safe! HA! We keep a close eye on her these days! She can cook food in her kitchen, throw and bounce a ball, rock a baby, blow a recorder in our family band, jump on a trampoline, ride in her big brothers jeep, swing in a swing and make more messes than any little girl I know.

She loves the kitchen and can make all kinds of messes in there! She opens drawers and gets to work. She puts tops on top of their bottoms, stirs with a spoon, gets out plates, etc.! You always know where she’s been because she leaves a trail! A hairbrush in the kitchen, a spoon in the bathroom, etc.!

Her language and speech have sky rocketed. She is using more total communication! She will not only sign but also say what she is signing! She uses her words appropriately and she has the sweetest little voice when she talks. She has one mean scream and can wake anyone from their sleep, though! I can’t even list all the things she says on her own, but basically is able to communicate her wants and needs now! I often recommend her to use her words when she is screaming at her brother! HA! My favorite is when she says “BOP” meaning stop!

She loves the I pad, I phone or computer to watch Elmo, aka melmo! She lights up and grins so big when she hears an elmo song!

She has her daddy wrapped around her finger, her brother wrapped around her waist and her momma is wrapped all over! She is too sweet for words and just a pleasant little girl to be around!

She loves dressing up and she sure knows when she looks cute! She will show almost everyone her belly and the clothes, shoes and bow she is wearing with pride! She gets tons of comments on her bright blue eyes and she loves talking about her facial parts..eyes. nose, mouth, ears, etc.!

She warms my heart each morning with her gentle momma when she awakes and keeps me sane with her sweet hugs and kisses with no prompting. She loves to go night night and loves to be rocked, read to and sang to. She will lay her sweet head on your shoulder and cuddle there till its time to lay her down!

She is perfect for our family and we love her so much!  

Comparison shots..this is big brother at 15 months!

15 mo 00915 mo 01615 mo 02415 mo 075


Sweet Emerson we love you so and pray you always are a person who loves god, others and yourself! May you achieve all your dreams with HIS help and be the best at whatever you choose to be! We can’t promise you a lifetime of stuff, riches or fame but we can promise you love, memories and Christ! These will never leave you!

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