Monday, May 26, 2014

10 years!!!!!! We made it! I love him!

May 22 of this year makes a decade that I have been walking along side my mate. We have made some pretty remarkable memories and shared some pretty phenomenal roller coasters in life, but all have been well spent with my Walker Dow at my side. God is pretty amazing. He gives us so much more than we can ever ask for or imagine and he sure took care of me beyond my wildest imagination. He blessed me with a man that puts me before him, that considers my wants/wishes before his own that caters to me and puts me first. All the while he serves our GOD and shines for him in everything he does.

We have lived in a duplex, bought our first home, sold a home, rented a home while selling and bought our second home. We've been hit with storms (literally and figuratively) that have taken out several of our vehicles so we've bought at least 5 vehicles together. We've had two precious babies, been members of four church families, lived in two states, traveled, flown, cruised and drove to many a vacation spots. We've met and developed very dear friendships in our various life journey. We've buried all of our grandparents but one, witnessed all of our siblings marry but one (coming in JUNE), became an aunt and a uncle, and in general shared a very merry life as husband and wife.

My husband doesn't run marathons, he isn't working for a fortune five hundred company, he doesn't drive a fancy vehicle but he is MINE. He cares for others and lives like Jesus did, and that is all I need. His zeal for the kingdom and HIM is inspiring and I never knew one could be so selfless.

Asking him for that purple jolly rancher in English class was one of the smartest decisions I ever made. 13 years later I would do it all over again in a second and live a rich life with him.

We celebrate us daily but this year we will fly to California for my brother’s wedding and then stay  a few extra days and celebrate us even more! No doubt our tradition of watching the blessed wedding video will occur as well!

God you are so good and you have blessed me more than I ever deserve with such a Godly man. He keeps me honest, selfless and serving because his eyes are so fixed on you. Keep us strong, faithful and loving all our days. Humble us, break our hearts and lift us up when we can’t stand. We want you, we desire you, help our life reflect you. God thank you for my biggest blessing, a life spent with Walker Dow!

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