Saturday, May 17, 2014

Emerson goes to the doctor

Emmy is officially two! We went to see Dr. Blake Thursday and it’s official she is PERFECT! HA! Perfectly two that is! She weighed in at 28.1 lbs. and was 35 inches tall…both percentages are 75% more than girls her age! He was most impressed that she was in big girl panties! And her amazing sticker abilities!

2 yrs 0012 yrs 0022 yrs 003

2 yrs 0042 yrs 0052 yrs 0062 yrs 0072 yrs 0082 yrs 0092 yrs 0112 yrs 0122 yrs 014

2 yrs 013docto00doctor0doctor000

She made it through the visit perfectly so we all got suckers and stickers for the ride home, yay!


Our next stop was visiting Chuckie Cheese…

2 yrs 0152 yrs 0172 yrs 019

Well at least Davis enjoyed him!

2 yrs 0202 yrs 021

We stayed back!

2 yrs 018

She was so big she had to ride this horse all by herself!

2 yrs 022

Davis thought he was big enough for a rodeo on this ride!

2 yrs 0242 yrs 0252 yrs 0262 yrs 027

A little comparison..Davis is two…31 lbs 4 oz and was 34 inches tall….one inch shorter than Emmy and 3lbs heavier!

2yr 0052yr 0012yr 0062yr 008

2 yrs 002doctor000doctor2

Whatcha think?

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