Sunday, May 11, 2014

Davis and Emerson…LATELY!

Can you believe it, Davis can tie his shoes! Woohoo, someone is ready for Kindergarten! Daddy gets all the credit here! He learned in about 2o minutes one night! Have I told you how awesome my hubby is?


We had game day last week and Davis thought it was great when he tricked me and won!


Sweet boy is trying to phase out naps in preparation for Kindergarten..this is how he ends up most nights!


This boy knows his games, especially monopoly! He is tough!


This was after our safety meeting at the school the other day…(all made up by the way)…Daddy is our EMT, I am the local police chief and I will give you five dollars to guess who these two are!!!


I am so enjoying my time with sweet little miss two year old! Such the personality and so much fun! She is too stinking smart for her own good and we have so much fun together!


Don’t worry she can fuss just fine for a two year old….DRAMA!


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