Sunday, May 4, 2014

Emerson is TWO

May 2, 2012 my heart grew! For another sweet baby was born from my body and I gave birth to a sweet baby girl. Her arrival went from smooth to Frantic very quickly and I wasn’t allowed to even hold her  for what seemed like days, but when the two of us finally met skin to skin all of the craziness around us seemed to stop. I will never forget the feel of that baby girl on my bare chest. She was so perfect so clean (despite the newborn grime that had yet to be washed from her sweet body). My heart grew times two on May 2 and it was able to love two sweet babies that I had not only  carried and created with my soul mate but that I had prayed for since childhood. You see I have desired to be a mommy for so long and when God gave me a loving husband and we made the decision to have children I felt like I practically held my breath till though sweet babies were laid in my arms. There is NOTHING like holding a sweet baby that you created for the first time…NOTHING!


One intense part of parenting (trust me there are many) is time. Time moves so quickly when you have children. IT seems the more you have the quicker time seems to pass; therefore, at this time Walker and I have decided to take time for the two we have. If I think about it I can still feel the pain from the cesarean birth with all the nice pains that come along with the second c-section and I would do it all over again to have my sweet girl!


Emerson, despite your dramatic arrival you were the sweetest, most laid back baby EVER. You baby wised yourself, you preferred our room over your own for naps due to the darkness and you were enthralled with anything your brother did around you.  You nursed beautifully, slept like a champ, stay amused and happy with little to no entertainment and loved being held or left to watch your surroundings, I simply thought I had hit the jackpot when it came to having such an easy baby.


You walked just as early as your brother, 9 months, and have been such a busy little girl ever since that day.

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You love to act older than you really are, make messes and give your brother a hard time! You have definitely started showing signs of “terrible twos!” You are quick to stop those feet, say “no” and lay on the floor and cry.  No worries we are actively working on that as we speak and are convinced we will overcome!

You are fond of others. You love to play but don’t necessarily need anyone or anything to play. You love your momma and if I am around you prefer me over others..not going to lie I’ll never be sad about this!

You are an above average sleeper. You love your bed, your blankie, and pillow! You sleep with white noise and love to read books and sing you are my sunshine before praying and getting in the bed…there are some nights you opt out of all activities and just say bed please!

You eat most days very well. You will try most anything but you do not like anything to warm in temperature. You eat with utensils and people remark at how well and clean you keep yourself during meals.

You love babies and will go up to any baby and pretend as they are your own and care for them as only you can. One reason it might be fun to have another one…shhh don’t tell your daddy!

You are so smart and I know I am partial but seriously you can count to ten, know all your colors, can sing some songs, know your animals and their sounds and know places around town as we are driving..(daddy’s work, bubba’s school, Wal-Mart, places we typically eat and home!). You know who goes with who and if one person is missing you name them and ask where they are.

You love Barney and Elmo right now and adore watching them on YouTube on the I pad. Tuesday when we have no technology in our house you get a little upset that you cannot watch him and state “barney pad pwease!” until you finally figure it out that we are not giving in!

God bless our ray of sunshine. You are full of spunk and are so much fun! You are learning new things everyday and it is so fun to watch and teach you as you grow. God sure blessed us BIG!



You really love one on one photo shoots with mommy!


Look who is TWO!!!


Your BFF!


You sure love having two Barney’s!


I love that you have so much hair..we love doing new things to it…


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