Saturday, May 17, 2014

The last few days..

We went to Green Acres and got a flat of strawberries to make strawberry jam…and to have fruit parties, of course!


We met Meme in Trenton on Friday and the kids and I got there a little early so we enjoyed some of the fun things there! The courthouse fountain, a huge hit with these two!

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We even walked to the fire station and took a little tour, are you surprised? This little man was in heaven!


The Lions club put on a little carnival and we stopped to let Davis and daddy enjoy the Farris Wheel…He loved it!

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IT has been so dreary and rainy the last few days, but it doesn’t stop these sunglass lovers!


Meme and Pawpaw always bring us back the coolest souvenirs!


We ate popsicles outside for the first time this summer! Yes Emmy is pant less, she is potty training and it’s just easier, don’t judge!


We got our first watermelon for the summer…YUMMY!


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