Friday, June 27, 2014

California Bound

Tuesday night we began our venture to California, it all started with a stop in Memphis to see some of our buddies and spend the night before our EARLY flight on Wednesday! The kids had so much fun catching up, so did the adults! WE may have stayed up a bit too late for our early departure!


It was early but the kids were super excited to be on an airplane and finally heading to California. They handled both flights like champs and even cashed out for awhile on one of them! Emerson was particularly enamored with the window!

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Davis just loved exploring!

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Emmy loves stickers and she really gave me a scare when she did this with them and said “Mommy emmy sticker eyes!” HA!

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Davis sure loves his Legos even on the flight!

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Naps and show time!

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It was time to celebrate, with suckers, when we finally made it!


Swimming was so much fun too, even if it was chilly! With no humidity swimming is pretty different there than it is in good ole Tennessee!

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We ate downtown the first night and Emmy could not get enough loving from Stephanie!

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Sweet man always looking at me with a smile!

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Davis decided to join in on the fun…

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Uncle J and Steph were sure proud of their nieces and nephews!

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We took our first monorail train ride and the kids were in completely awe!


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We went to explore CA a little bit and found lots of neat and exciting parks. The kids didn't even mind the homeless folks washing their hair and chatting while we played! I just knew Davis would have tons of questions but he was way too caught up in all the different playground equipment!

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We even found this neat water park, too bad we were not prepared! Who cares, this momma said let’s do it anyway!~

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It didn't take too long for miss prissy to crash. We had partied too much and this time change thing plum wore her out!

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Some of my favorite moments were watching these two sleep. They have never slept together, and Emerson has never slept on anything but a crib or pack n play, but they had NO issues and slept perfectly! One night when I looked over they were holding hands, too bad by the time I got my camera they had already rolled over. Every night would say sis you wanna cuddle? Such a sweet sweet little man!


Next, it was time for the big rehearsal! The venue was beautiful and I knew it was gonna be a great wedding day! Jarrett and Stephanie had been so prepared and ready and the rehearsal was a breeze! Davis and Emmy met the other children in the kid parade and were pretty excited about having some CA friends! 

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Sweet cousins ready to shine….

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just practicing….

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Our family photo opp….

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The kids really loved all the neat flowers and bushes at the art guiled.

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Davis and his best bud!

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The bride and groom to be

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Laura and sweet mack

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After rehearsing we headed to the capital club for dinner and a fun night celebrating the future Mr. And MRS

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Emmy stole her brothers tie and rocked it pretty well…

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Davis, well you can guess how he felt about it!

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We played on the balcony while things got prepared and I had a great time taking lots of pictures…

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My sweet girl and me…

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The man of my dreams for 13 years and counting…

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Mia and Pops with some of their greatest blessings

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D had a great time and really got into people telling stories about Jarrett and Steph. At one point he said mom you need to stand up and talk about them. I listened and when I did he added to my story, what a ham!

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Jarrett gave some of the sweetest and most thoughtful gifts to mom and dad..

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The next day we spent some time at the children’s museum. The first thing we saw when we walked in was a fire truck so you know we had a great time!

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The water section…

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Mom found this picture up in the museum and she could not get over the resemblance in it and Emmy. AS we walked passed it to leave Davis said mom why do they have a picture of Emmy up here at the museum..we had not told him..seriously, it could be her twin!

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the toddler portion..

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going through a cave…

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Emerson is a huge fan of frozen and was so excited to make her own Olaf!

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The outside garden of the musuem. The kids could plant and taste the veggies that were growing. Such a very neat experience.

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Bye bye children’s museum so very neat to meet you!

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We ended up at the pool for some more fun…

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and then we headed to the family party put on by Stephanie’s family. In our coordinating outfits, of course!

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too bad Emmy was not in the mood…

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when we got to the restaurant she got in her happy spot…watching barney, I think she was having withdrawals…ha!

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Jarrett took care of amusing this guy!

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Eventually emmy cheered up and we had a major mommy/emmy photo booth….


I love these three, they were so awesome and did great at a VERY long meal!


Mr. and Mrs. Poston and future Mr. and Mrs. Poston

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Amy explaining the courses of the meal…

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These two were so excited about the soup spoons, such good teethers.

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Jarrett told Davis that his dog Sophie was in the car and we immediately headed outside to get some play time with her.

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Davis is in love with her and he told me he wanted to get rid of Reese, our current dog, and get a dog like Sophie!

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We sure enjoyed this lovely and extra long and yummy meal.

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By the end of the meal Emmy was joining in on all the Jarrett fun.

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This is a few of the course we were served..whew makes me full just looking at it.


Emerson woke up really nice and chipper on wedding day…she kept taking my order for breakfast.


Riding in style…that’s their motto!


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