Saturday, June 14, 2014

Davis and Emerson lately…


WE are making so many memories this summer it is almost impossible to keep up…

Davis still LOVES fighting fires….


We love to do arts and crafts..


Story hour is a must on Wednesdays…


However, getting sick is not on our agenda and boy did we have a scare this week! Emerson woke around 2:30 am screaming and had a very high fever..I just knew it was a UTI…she has been potty trained pretty much since turning two and this is one of my biggest fears! We got to the doctor right after she cashed out and it turns out she had a ear infection! We have since started antibiotics and pray she will be READY to travel to California next week!


Emerson finally made it to her first Wednesday night bible class..she goes to bed around 7:30 but we decided to try her out and I believe these pictures tell you how much she loved it! They lerned about Bible heroes and she got to become one as well…I love her teachers, so very creative!


My kids and their imaginations astound me everyday..this is their choo choo train! They are hooked together with cable cords!


They usually love on one another…I will admit they are not always so sweet to one another!!! Depends on the time, toy and temper! HA!


It has rained all summer..okay, exaggeration but seriously will it ever stop?


Emmy does her share of painting as the nude! HA!


They dress up constantly…dr/vet Davis and you name it Emmy!


More story hour..with the scientist! We were surprised to see some of Davis’ preschool buddies there as well!


Summer has been loads of fun and still so much on our agenda…

lake trip with friends

California for Stephanie and Uncle J’s wedding

beach trip with the kids and lala and meme

etc, etc, etc

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