Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Camping, Karate, Donuts…us lately…

Davis spent the day with Rob and Lala at the Children’s museum in Memphis, this is what he looked like on the way..Emmy on the other hand just said mommy bubba sweeping, emmy sweepy too! HA!

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Before we left for Paris to go camping we took a moment to swim at our neighbors…it felt awesome and the kids enjoyed the water so much!



my brave little man…


We headed to piney campground the rest of the weekend and Emerson became especially found of one of the dogs….

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Davis enjoyed his time spent with Jayden!

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Rob and Emmy once again enjoyed their sucker together!


Tuesday Davis was suppose to have his Kindergarten readiness test…I FORGOT! Let’s hope this is no indication of how Kindergarten will go this year! WE celebrated with donuts afterwards for everyone handling the drama of being at the gym in Milan and having to rush to Medina to be 30 minutes late for his test! He handled it like a champ and the teachers were most impressed with his sweet kind heart and how smart he was!



Tonight we were able to cash in on the present Stephanie and Jarrett got Davis for his birthday…KARATE! He loved it and is so excited about going back! The momma in me loved watching his confidence rise and I loved seeing how respectful they teach you to be!

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Emerson loved watching and taking notes…

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