Sunday, November 23, 2014

LEAVES…Mia & Pops visit…GBO

Davis and I knew we hadn’t raked the leaves this year and jumped in them like we do every year SO Friday we checked that one off our list.

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Emmy enjoyed the leave jumping as well!

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Davis was glad to have a leaf wrestling partner…

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Mia and pops were in town and we all took advantage of the beautiful day and played outside…

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Mack and Laura even came to visit..

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They all insisted they should try the monkey bars…

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and Mack knew the tree house needing a little boy playing in it…

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he also loved watching the outdoors with POPS

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Sweet baby kisses…

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Mia and Pops in their happy place….

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More playing….

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even reese got to join in on the FUN…

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After our Mia and POPS date MEME and PAWPAW came to root for UT, too bad they LOST!!! WE sure had some cuties rooting for them!

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