Thursday, November 6, 2014

Limo rides and play dates

Today was a very exciting day for the Wellington kiddos! Davis got to ride in a limo, and Emerson got to see her favorite little boy friend! There were both equally excited and I am so blessed I got to see each of them in their sheer excitement!

Davis sold cookie dough for his school and his reward was riding around town in style along with an ice-cream sundae!

His group…

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getting in…

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getting comfortable and buckled!

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Here they come…

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they were all so excited! I asked where they went and they said various answers….all around Jackson, past the playground, to the park, all around medina?!! Wonder where they really did go? HA!

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Our little boy set a really high goal for himself and he accomplished it, so very proud of him!


Emerson got to go see her buddy jack and an added bonus Collins…she could not stop talking about all the fun they had!


I mean seriously how cute are these two?





Such a fun day and blessed by such a gorgeous day shared with beautiful friends!

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