Sunday, November 23, 2014

Oh Christmas tree oh Christmas tree

We’ve had our tree up now about two weeks and the kids LOVED every minute of decorating and getting ready for the holiday season! They are getting to be such big helpers and even Davis read us the directions on how to put the tree up correctly!

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Emmy trying to get her Christmas smile ready for all of mommy’s silly pictures!

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Davis was born with his smile and had no issues with his!

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drum roll please…the first ornament……

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and they are on…

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wrestling with daddy was not on our holiday traditions list for tonight, but wait we had no list so why not!!!

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This little man picked out his favorite ornament and told us why and then expected the same thing from each of us…can you say typical kindergartener!

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Daddy and Emmy needed a break….HA!

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I love these two kiddos with all my heart and love our Christmas traditions!

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