Tuesday, May 26, 2015


WE enjoyed doughnuts with daddy on our first day of summer break. I believe he was equally happy about it as the kids were!


Walker and I celebrated 11 years Friday, and this was his gift from me. I received a nice steel watch, as that is the representation of our 11 year! The kids sure enjoyed daddy’s gift!


I am still not believing how much my baby is growing up….


Emmy has taken the last couple of crazy days in stride…going all out in jewelry and dress up attire! Such a fashionista!


Thursday, May 21, 2015

May 22…OUR DAY!

Our love story started about 14 years ago, and I am so thankful for that moment in English class. My love for candy caused me to gain the man of my dreams. Who would have even thought asking someone for a piece of candy would develop into the beautiful relationship I have with you. Happy 11 year wedding anniversary! WOW! Eleven years, seems like a breath if I think about it. We have an incredible journey and it has been nothing short of amazing. We have rented a duplex, bought two houses, sold one, bought five vehicles, lived in two states, both graduated grad school, moved to a new city/state with our belongings in the u-hauls with no place to live, had two children, met countless friends who have become family, done a tough mudder, been out of the country two times, watched all of our siblings get married, lived next to NO family, lived next to family, read the bible together during a years time, completed the insanity work out from start to finish and buried some our closest relatives (Uncle, Aunt Nell, Nonny, Granddaddy and Grandpa) .


On this day and EVERYDAY Walker Dow Wellington I am proud to say you are mine and that you chose me! Our story started with a simple piece of candy, a purple jolly rancher to be exact, and for that moment I have forever grateful!

My most favorite 11 things about you!!!

Your sweet genuine spirit.

last day of K 035

Your smile.

last day of K 040

Your humor.

last day of K 050

Your unwavering, forgiving love.

last day of K 046

Your servant heart.

last day of K 039

The way you parent our kids.

last day of K 037

A love for the least of these.

last day of K 048

Your giving nature.

last day of K 038

Your zeal of HIM and the WORD.

last day of K 045

Your willingness to be adventuress…with me! 

last day of K 036

Here is to many more years and memories!

This is my prayer for you my love that our love may grow deeper and wider, that we live up to the Huge responsibility as Godlily parents and examples to our precious children, that we may lead each other closer to HIM, that we may be examples in our community, church and family, that we keep Him first and us second, that we take each day as a gift and use it to bring him glory and honor!

I love you with all my heart and thank my god for you every day!








The beginning of K to the end of K…tears falling freely!

Look how he (they) have grown! Open house for Kindergarten!

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First day of Kindergarten.

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Last lunch of Kindergarten!

last lunchlast lunch1

Last day of kindergarten. (half day!)

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Last day of school party!

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Davis and Jade, his kindergarten girlfriend!

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Some one is excited to move ahead to first grade!

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Davis and his most perfect Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Penney!

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Davis and his behavior clips!

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Emmy pretending she is in kindergarten!

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Leaving as a kindergartener for the last time!

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These two..I love watching them grow!

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Lunch with daddy makes the world a little better place!

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Whew…emotions going CRAZY!

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My two babies are excited for a full summer of fun!

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