Tuesday, May 19, 2015

33 and tough mudder all in one day!

May 16, 2015 and mud will never be the same! I will NEVER look at mud like I looked at it on my birthday. Me and 6 other friends (some I just met the day of the race, but believe me now we are all friends) called ourselves a team and completed a tough mudder in Pulaski Tn. It was the most unbelievable place. Milk Way Farm was indescribable and took my breath on more than one occasion, and not because I was literally swimming, running, crawling in mud, but because it was breath taking and BEAUTFIFUL! Besides running half marathons it was the most accomplished I have felt physically in a long time. The obstacles were tough, course even more difficult but I was tougher and I am not ashamed to say I am proud of myself and team! Big props to my mom for watching my babies so I could go and experience this and my husband for going along with my crazy birthday present! My friend Jessica is really to blame, as it was her idea, but I am so glad we all stuck it out and completed a tough course!

Carbing up before the big race


Here is the team before the race….


During the race we met a nice lady who was from Jackson, small world, who took a couple of pics for us!


The girls after the race…


Jessica and myself….so much admiration for this girl! She is RUGGED!


My love! This race took our love to an entire new level. He kept me going when the obstacles seemed tougher than me!



The tshirt, and yes it was worth it!


These two stole our headbands….and did their own tough mudder obstacle course in our sun room..


My mom made sure I came home to a birthday celebration, complete with balloons, this poster and a banner!


My melting ice-cream cake..still carb loading! HA!


Loved this experience and would do it again in a heartbeat! If you have a chance to do a race, especially a fun one, do it! It was inspiring to see all the participants working together to finish the race!

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