Sunday, May 3, 2015

Emerson is 3

All week long Emmy has asked if it was May 2. She told us all she would be three and she wouldn’t be two anymore! IT is so sweet and we are all very excited it is finally may 2! (well maybe!)

Happy third birthday emmy o, emerson, emmy, emmy nita (for a girl with this many names, you know she has a BIG personality)....

You do not meet a stranger and typically you go after those who do not notice you. You already have a heart for others and you are VERY vocal about it. This reminds me so much of your brother, however, instead of whispering in my ear, the way he does, you just talk to people like you've known them FOREVER. Old and young both adore you and your inquisitive nature. Your long hair, still no hair cut to date, gets you lots of attention as well. You assure them you will get your first haircut at Disney by Minnie mouse! You are crazy about shows, TV, the I pad and we have to watch your techno time carefully. You are a bit sneaky with it, and we have found you under your bed, in the closet, hiding under tables watching Peppa, Mickey Mouse, etc. You love to eat, and if you are hungry will not generally refuse anything. This is one way you are NOTHING like your brother! Praise GOD! You love to sleep in your Big girl bed, in a completely pitch black room with white noise blaring in your ears. You spend your days with me, and keep me very entertained with working countless puzzles, dressing up as princesses, watching shows, exploring outdoors, TALKING, and taking care of your babies. You are a MOMMY"S girl and I LOVE it! Don't get me wrong you love your daddy, and other family/friends but your momma is your best tell me often, and yes, I melt! We do girly things while bubba is at school and we can't wait until we are able to pick Davis up from school with treats! You take gymnastics on Tuesday and you flip on most any bar, person or standing thing that you can. You love the color pink and tell everyone pink and purple are your favorites. You can write an E for Emmy and look for your E on all your clothes! You love to sing and can make most any person's name, conversation or daily event a song. Your wit is outstanding and you have us in tears with your silliness. You catch on to things very quickly and although I've never sat down and taught you like I did your brother you know most everything he knew at this age! You love to read, just like Davis, and you can "read" about 5 books now. Word for word! You love to go, and do and you love OTHERS. Every place we go throughout our week you have your special someone's and they know it! From Old Matt at daddy's work, to Mr. Ray at Lion's Club, to Mrs. Rita and Julie at the gym, to Miss Amanda and Tinley at gymnastics you love to love and you show it! I would not say you are a pleaser but you are a very good girl. You listen, most of the time, share, most of the time, and follow directions, most of the time..without much hassle/discipline. You love mommy to put you to bed, but you always need that last daddy kiss and song. You adore your brother, and are by far his biggest fan. We cannot wait to see what Big things you do at 3! WE love you BIG!

We celebrated earlier in the week in anticipation of Emmy's birthday with some ice-cream from sonic!


We woke up May 2, to Tinkerbell and we looked through all of her scrapbooks to remind her of her story, three years ago!


We celebrated our friend Henley’s birthday in the morning, with a princess and pirate birthday party, and then headed to lunch with the family!


At chili’s these three sillies got together!


My sweet boy is so loving and loves to cuddle Mack!


Emmy can finally wear her brothers 3 shirt! WOO HOO!



After a birthday nap, we headed to Glory Gymnastics for the infamous birthday party!

Davis was sweating within the first 5 minutes after we arrived! He is now telling us he wants his party there next year!

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Emmy was in her element and it didn’t take long for her to get jumping!

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Jack arrived first and they enjoyed some giggles!

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and deep conversation.

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Emmy sure loves her mia, and she was glad she showed up shortly after we arrived!

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MORE flipping to do!

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BEAM..even daddy had to show off!

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Flip Emmy flip.

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The reason why my girl loves gymnastics so much…MISS AMANDA!!!

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Collins was pretty excited to be at the party too!

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Chilling on the beam….

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Everybody started to arrive…

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Jaleigh was pretty impressed with her leotard!

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Before you flip you must warm up…STRETCH!

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Riding the train to the fan for bubbles!

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Who knew bubbles in a fan would be so much fun!

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A little ring around the rosy to top it off!

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Learning how to JUMP!

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and make silly faces, of course!

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Who is that BIG three year old?

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Collins loved the ice-cream.

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Emmy loves to rope swing!

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Aubri is super strong on the rings!

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Mack stayed pretty close to momma!

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4 little monkeys waiting for their turn!

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Emmy and JACK!

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Gymnastics is hard work!

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Emmy loved swinging on the rings…

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Zoe came!

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Daddy…again, showing off!

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FRIENDS! WE love our sweet friends! Thanks for coming!

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Family photos

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WE got home just in time to eat some pizza and then open PRESENTS!!!!

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Is it Christmas?

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BIG thanks for all her gifts!

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My prayer for you sweet Emerson Oneita....That your personality continue to grow and bloom into the sweet young lady you are becoming. Praise God my little lady loves others and is not scared to show it. I pray you develop a relationship with God that only you can understand. The he comforts you when you are scared, cheers for you when you need a lift, wipes your tears when you are sad and laughs with you when you are happy! I pray you meet a man one day that loves you, but loves God more. I pray you see bad and good things (not too many bad things) but you are able to choose the good. I pray your heart continues to grow and your love for others, especially the oppressed, least of these and the unloved bursts with joy. May your heart always be full of rich memories with your family and friends and may you my sweet baby always know that Daddy and I love you!

Davis at 3..Comparison shots….Do they resemble? The grown ups sure have changed as well! HA!

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