Wednesday, May 6, 2015


Last night Emmy and her sweet friend Tinley dressed up to cheer on their favorite brothers! I’d love to tell you these outfit caused them to watch the game more than normal, but I won’t lie! HA!

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Sweet Tinley enjoying the playground before the game!

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Emmy jumped in the pic, either she was too short or she was in some kind of pain! HEHE!

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We also found Davis’ kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Penney’s daughter playing..sweet Parker!

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Emmy didn’t care she was in skirt, she got to climbing a.s.a.p.!

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It was quickly time for the big game, so we headed to the ballpark!

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Love watching this little guy…

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Emmy and Tin were busy with gold fish and girl talk…

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My little baller! He always wears that smile!

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Sweet kisses for sissy through the fence!

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My favorite coach, friend and daddy!

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Jackson up to bat…

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and on base…

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Go Davis go!

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Daddy paused for a quick pic with his favorite cheerleader!

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Not so sure she knew I was trying to take her picture…BLESS!

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DAVIS makes it home!! WOOHOO!

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After the game the cheerleaders showed up their running skills!

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Sweet muddy drake!

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WHEW! Packing up is tough, but somebody has to do it!

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Poor cheerleader got injured!

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Snacks and big brother make it all better!

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This cheerleader is worn out!

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Let’s go home bubba!

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Sweet sweet memories with my precious babies.

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