Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Awards Day, aka Bye bye Kindergarten!

Emmy was pumped and ready to see her bubba shine at school today..

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Where we waited…

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In they came..(only two of the kindergartens did awards today, there are so many we all took different days! )

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Getting the program started…

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Class of 2027…Singing to us!

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waiting for their diploma

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some of Davis’ sweet friends…

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So big, let the tears fall momma!

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Emmy watching her brother!

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Singing God bless America!

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Mrs. Penney and Miss Kelly

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Singing their second song, goodbye kindergarten hello first grade!

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She begged to go see him the entire time..FINALLY she got her wish!

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Seriously, these two will melt your heart. They are gonna be the best of friends!

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Getting a class shot with my mega lens was difficult, but here are a few!

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Walking through the school, hand in hand, these two are the best of friends.

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Davis’ project hanging outside the class…

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Davis and Mrs. Penney

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Davis and Miss Kelly his student teacher

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Davis and his kindergarten love!

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These two boys make me SMILE!

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Daddy picture with his two babies!

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My pride and joy! Love these two so big!

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We love you sweet boy and can’t believe this year has passed so quickly!

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Davis and Daddy with the project they worked so hard on. We have the BEST daddy!

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