Sunday, June 14, 2015

Small FRY TRY…

Medina held their first small fry try this weekend and I felt the kiddos would enjoy it so I signed them up. Little did I know Daddy would have other responsibilities and I would be a single mom during it. Somehow we made it through it, but not without a couple of hiccups along the way. More on that soon! We got to watch a helicopter land, which was super exciting and LOUD!

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Warming up for the BIG race. Wow Emmy your muscles sure are BIG!

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Taking a tour of the helicopter after it landed…

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Enjoying the three fire trucks that came to spray us at the race!

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Making sure all our gear works before we bike…

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The six year old race….

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The three year old race…this is where I could have used a clone or even better daddy! They needed parents at the bikes to help with the transition and I couldn't be there to tell Emmy when to take off, so I left that for Davis. Not sure that was the best idea because I basically had to leave my post to get her to run…she would have rather collect all the flags marking the area where to race…silly girl!

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Whew we made it even if she was the last one to take off…I’m being real here, she was literally LAST!

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Big brother attempting to push her on…she does EVERYTHING on her own time!

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We may have had trouble getting through the water…they had to turn the hoses off for this girl to go through, she was being super girly!!!!…BUT she got her beloved trophy! AHH!

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Only after the race did she decide that the water was truly ok! This girl usually loves water, but she was convinced there was no place for it in her race!

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Sweet Cate Cannon helped encourage her that the water was truly meant to be fun! BLESS!

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We finished, we are wet, we got our trophy and donated to a GREAT cause now that’s enough of that!

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Time to head home, wet and all!

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Sporting their trophies and race shirts, it is official they are both triathletes!

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Love flashing back and these next photos are from Davis’ first small fry try when he was two! Wasn’t that just yesterday?

Flashback to Davis’ first triathlon in 2011.

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