Monday, June 8, 2015

Sweet Summer time

The moment we have all waited for…no more waking Emmy up from naps to go get Davis, no more Davis getting upset because I wasn’t at car rider line exactly when I needed to be (per him), no more rushing through meals to get to the next place we needed to be, no more lunches to be made, no more clothes to pick out and timely showers…Can you guess what time it is? SUMMER! Don’t get me wrong Davis has loved his first year of school and had a precious teacher, but it was time for a BREAK and we are all embracing the free time!!! Davis enrolled in basketball camp the first full week of his summer break and loved it. He knew lots of friends from school and made lots of new friends. He even came home with an award for best encourager and best smile. Most parents think where’s your award for a basketball skill? I think that’s my boy! Anyone can be known for good ball skills,at our house, true character comes from being known for something different.  


We have played hours and hours of GAMES!! Davis is amazing at memory and hands down beats me every time. I love his will to learn and drive to get better. Emmy is hanging right there with him, her attention span is much shorter but she sure loves a good game!


We have played with lots of our sweet friends. Jack joined us on a car ride to go eat Sunday lunch.


We have swam almost every day the weather has let us. Davis asked the other day if it truly was summer because the sun never comes out and it is always ugly outside! BLESS! The weather has been so rainy and almost back and forth lately. Anytime we get a chance we are outside and mostly in a pool!


While the boys played ball we snuck off for a girls day! We went to a playgroup and made these awesome hats, did some retail therapy at hobby Lobby and played at the park till Emmy was naked..happens a lot these days. She fell in the mud this time!


WE finished our baseball season with some of the coolest players and best coaches I know! D improved so much this year and really enjoyed the sport. He even mastered running fast to the bases before he smiled! HA!


WE have went to BIRTHDAY parties galore, and who doesn’t love celebrating our sweet friends?! D even missed one due to a game and we brought him home a treat from the b-day boy!


Although mommy can’t eat them we have gotten doughnuts with daddy a couple of times. Who doesn’t love a good local doughnut in their Minnie mouse dress?


WE have been SILLY! With all this freedom comes some silliness…Who is sillier? Can you tell?


Mommy might have even found a steal on the Disney site and found our Halloween costumes REALLY early and REALLY cheap this year! Mommy score. Plus Davis decided he needed a costume to take to Disney!


WE have had some princesses and princes cook us some fabulous pretend food. Mack came to visit and these two cook some mean plastic pizza and fried chicken!


We match. Our sweet lala got us matching shirts for my birthday and Emmy thinks it is the best thing ever to match mommy so double score!


We even met up with some of our sweet friends who have moved away. Such sweet memories with these families and I love being bale to pick right up where we all left off!


Summer keep bringing us the beautiful memories and you will continue to be one of our favorite seasons!

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