Tuesday, September 1, 2015

One LONG week

I was so encouraged and blessed by our little surprise trip to see Sara in Louisville. IT is amazing how a girls only weekend is good for the soul! The lord knew I was going to have a rough week and knew this was the exact medicine for the heart! Love that each of these girls lives miles away from me, yet it NEVER feels that way when we are together! God sure did bless me with best friends at each leg of our journey of life. Sara, I cannot wait to see baby Brooklyn and you my dear are gorgeous!


I came home to batgirl who saved the day! She seriously is just what I needed this week. We didn’t get much 3 year old preschool accomplished but life happens and when times are sad and different sometimes you just got to hug and play!


This sweet man lost his 3rd tooth, mama pulled it, despite his and Walker’s efforts to get it out! My little snaggletooth looks quite different and all of these changes are so bittersweet for this mama!


We also lost a dear friend, brother and mentor this week. I met this man about 14 years ago when Walker brought me home for the first time. He always challenged me and pushed me to be better. He was known for getting me riled up, throwing me off a tube rather roughly (HA!), and asking questions that had no other point than just to make you think. He was walker’s “other dad”, and he has told me countless stories this week about memories he made with him throughout his life. Life won’t quite be the same without him, but life is so different because of him. He has joined my in-laws on many adventures, taught walker much about God/life, and been the father in law to one of my best friends, Chuck we love you and may your memory live on forever! GLY


Sassy pants learned to drive her jeep with out her bubba and wow what an accomplishment this has been….Davis is notorious for carting her around so she doesn’t have to learn!


She is so full of life and energy and she spends most of her days twirling in her most favorite twirling dresses!


until, it is nap time!


From Davis being her driver, to…

her driving!


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