Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Cowboy, baby!

DAvis loves his new cowboy boots and shirt! He got them for his b-day from Molly and he sure does love showing them off! Yeehaw!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

golf, davis' new sport

Since basketball is over, in our eyes(UK's loss), Davis has found a new sport...GOLF. Walker gave him a club that he wasn't using and Davis thinks he is so BIG. He LOVES dragging his club around. He also loves watching daddy swing the club!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ladies Retreat 2010:Sam's Rock

Well I did it. I left little D and daddy alone for a night and two days and went to a ladies retreat in Bagdad Ky last weekend. I cried all that way to church so I wondered how I'd do, but turns out every momma needs some time away. We were inspired by an amazing woman who has suffered, in my opinion, one of the worst tragedies you can go through in life-losing a child. Her three year old daughter rode her tricyle into a pool and drowned, despite her husbands efforts to revive her. (he is and ER doc) Through this loss her love for Christ has not only grown, but blossomed into a fulltime ministry that she shares with many others. Her faith blew me away and I believe her God is amazing, thankfully I serve the same one!! She started a prayer group "Sam's rock" to help her heal, and now it is in many schools and workplaces all around the world. What a way to take such a horrific event and turn it into a way to praise our father. The weekend was very uplifting and definitely glad I went. My baby boy was all smiles when I walked in Sunday afternoon and hasn't quite been the same since-he sure missed his momma & his milk!!!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


We went for our first time at the zoo this year today with Cole and Erin. WE had so much fun. Enjoy the pics and video. We got creative with the swing-these two totally know how to share!! HAha! Such sweet boys. We had a great time and they loved being in the wagon togather. Can't wait to go again!

The love to lay down ones life

was reminded last night of my "father's love" when i grabbed a pan from a 400 degree oven instead of letting my little one get it. it was just a burn and yes very painful, but it made me think of my heavenly father that died for me, not only did he feel the pain, but he actually DIED for me. what an amazing God we serve. so glad it wasn't my precious boys hand, but man what a difficult night for mommy. a big thanks to all those that helped me at Bible class. have you ever...
changed a diaper with your left hand
gave a bath with your left hand
strapped a baby in a car seat with your left hand
fed a baby with your left hand
the list goes on and on (all of this of course was especially difficult since I am right handed and I burnt none other than the right hand.)
Makes me very happy/thankful to have two working hands, ohh the things that make you much more appreciative!!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Outside minus the swingset

] Here's some more video and pics from our day. Someone stole Davis' swing set so we found other things to play with, but mommy sure was disappointed!!

So Davis gives us the all done signal now-soo cute!

this is the way i brush my teeth

Sorry guys, it is video overload this week, but we have a daddy missing his baby and gotta include everything! Davis always has loved brushing his 7 teeth! He actually points to it EVERY time he comes in the bathroom-we limit him to 2-3 brushes!! HAha.

Splish Splash

Sure wasn't as much fun as showers are with daddy, but Davis can sure splish splash!!!

skyping with dada

After breakfast we skype with dada, who doesn't need a little dose of Davis to start their day off right?

Monday, March 15, 2010

Night night daddy!

Getting ready for bed. Gotta love those blankets, been with him since birth! Night night daddy! I love you!

This laughs for you, dad!

Had to give daddy a good laugh while he is away! ENJOY!

The little things

so daddy is out of town again and just wanted to post a video of Davis eating and drinking his am snack. it's the little things that we miss most, right??? love you walker!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Got milk...

SO I gotta to tell you a funny story about giving Davis his first cup of cow's milk. I am going out of town next weekend for Ladies Retreat and since I am always here I have no stored milk. I also am unable to pump, since Davis is almost a year, I have no extra milk!! SO the doctor said it would be fine to give him some cow's milk while I was gone and begin the weaning process. Walker and I decided to give him some before next weekend just to see how he would adjust to it and boy were we surprised. I gave him the sippy cup and he took two drinks (which he usually guzzles for like a minute) and handed the cup to his daddy and stuck out his tongue and shook his head no! WE started laughing and couldn't believe he didn't like it, so I decided to hold off awhile from nursing him so he could see he needed to drink his milk from the cup and not mommy. We sat in the floor to play with his truck when he immediately jumped up and went straight to "our spot" (this is the cushion on the couch where I always nurse him) and started pointing to it and crying! Even if he doesn't have the words to say so he was totally saying "momma get over here and feed me some milk, you know how we always do it!!" IT was so funny and at the same time so sweet. He is such a lover! He loves hugs and constantly gives his hugs freely. I gave in and nursed him since it was his first time with the milk but this weekend could be a real challenge for daddy! Good luck Walker and DAvis!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Park Video

Here's a video of Davis swinging at the park! Love that kid!

Park Play

After playing in our yard and with the wagon, I decided to take DAvis to the park. We had such a good time! Davis had fun sqeeling at all the other kids and had most of the parents saying "he's so funny, or he's so little to be walking that well, or he's so cute." He never meets a stranger and he actually had his first swing date with a 15 month old he picked up at the slide!! HAha!

Wagon Video

Here's a video of Davis and his wagon! ENJOY!

Wagon walks

We are finally getting to use the wagon Mia and Pops got Davis for Christmas and boy has it come in handy. Davis loves walking around the block and it has become one of his favorite things. He rides in it, pushes it and uses it as a house for his balls.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sweet Reunion

Well it has taken awhile for me to post this, but better late than never!!! So walker finally got home late Friday night, YEAH!! He had to wait till Saturday am to see Davis, since he was already in bed, but boy was it a sweet reunion. ( I had the privilege of witnessing this reunion via the video monitor!!) Davis woke up with his normal Dada voice, calling his dad to come and get him out of the bed. Daddy jumped when he heard his voice and could not wait to see his little boy. As soon as Davis saw his daddy's face he smiled and reached his hands up for him to pick him up. Davis gave him a big hug and just kept pulling back to look up at his face and make sure it was really his daddy!! By this time I was dripping with tears. Daddy then preceded to sing to Davis one of his favorite lullabies and change his stinky diaper!! I am so glad Walker his home and so is his little boy!! Oh how I love video monitors!!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

ball video

more videos


THese videos are for the grandparents and family who miss all of DAvis' play time. He sure does love outside!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Blessed beyond measure

SO Davis and I have almost made it. Walker will be home in 26 hours (and counting) and I for one cannot wait for his arrival. We have had a busy and eventful week and that has helped us make it through Walker's trip. I am so blessed to have such wonderful friends who constantly surround me and lift me up when I need inflating. The week began with a M&M (mom and me) class that Davis and I attended along with some other first time mothers and babies. It was great to watch Davis play with others and I was able to visit with some friends as well. Then we watched one of my friends little ones so she could go to the dentist. I absolutely adore watching Daivs play with others and it is great "training" for Davis to share his toys and his mommy! Wednesday we watched baby Charlotte which was easier than I imagined because at no time were both babies awake at the same time! SWEET! I even caught up on some scrapbooking!! Today I went to work without Davis, my sweet friend Erin watched him, however, when I showed up without a baby they basically told me I was not allowed without him anymore. How awesome is that my coworkers love him so much that I am able to earn some money and have my baby with me! Such a blessing! WE now only have friday and I know we can make it! Looking forward to a relaxing day with Davis. We might even pull out the running stroller and go for a run!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Daddy went bye bye

So Walker is away yet again on another work trip and of course it is killing me to watch little D go through daddy withdrawls. Not only is he latching on to any male he sees (even ones he doesn't know, including bank tellers!!) but he looks for him constantly. So sad!! I asked him where daddy was yesterday and he went to the garage door and tried to open it! Breaks my heart, I'm telling you! SO this am he grabs a picture of walker that is on a necklace and he looks at it, smiles and says "hi!" and proceeds to carry it around while he plays. I guess he just needed to know daddy was there as he was playing. Every once in a while he would look at it and smother the picture with a open mouth kiss- oh how my sweet boy misses his daddy. Brings me to tears!! WE miss you Walker!