Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sweet Reunion

Well it has taken awhile for me to post this, but better late than never!!! So walker finally got home late Friday night, YEAH!! He had to wait till Saturday am to see Davis, since he was already in bed, but boy was it a sweet reunion. ( I had the privilege of witnessing this reunion via the video monitor!!) Davis woke up with his normal Dada voice, calling his dad to come and get him out of the bed. Daddy jumped when he heard his voice and could not wait to see his little boy. As soon as Davis saw his daddy's face he smiled and reached his hands up for him to pick him up. Davis gave him a big hug and just kept pulling back to look up at his face and make sure it was really his daddy!! By this time I was dripping with tears. Daddy then preceded to sing to Davis one of his favorite lullabies and change his stinky diaper!! I am so glad Walker his home and so is his little boy!! Oh how I love video monitors!!!

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