Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Ladies Retreat 2010:Sam's Rock

Well I did it. I left little D and daddy alone for a night and two days and went to a ladies retreat in Bagdad Ky last weekend. I cried all that way to church so I wondered how I'd do, but turns out every momma needs some time away. We were inspired by an amazing woman who has suffered, in my opinion, one of the worst tragedies you can go through in life-losing a child. Her three year old daughter rode her tricyle into a pool and drowned, despite her husbands efforts to revive her. (he is and ER doc) Through this loss her love for Christ has not only grown, but blossomed into a fulltime ministry that she shares with many others. Her faith blew me away and I believe her God is amazing, thankfully I serve the same one!! She started a prayer group "Sam's rock" to help her heal, and now it is in many schools and workplaces all around the world. What a way to take such a horrific event and turn it into a way to praise our father. The weekend was very uplifting and definitely glad I went. My baby boy was all smiles when I walked in Sunday afternoon and hasn't quite been the same since-he sure missed his momma & his milk!!!

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