Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Daddy went bye bye

So Walker is away yet again on another work trip and of course it is killing me to watch little D go through daddy withdrawls. Not only is he latching on to any male he sees (even ones he doesn't know, including bank tellers!!) but he looks for him constantly. So sad!! I asked him where daddy was yesterday and he went to the garage door and tried to open it! Breaks my heart, I'm telling you! SO this am he grabs a picture of walker that is on a necklace and he looks at it, smiles and says "hi!" and proceeds to carry it around while he plays. I guess he just needed to know daddy was there as he was playing. Every once in a while he would look at it and smother the picture with a open mouth kiss- oh how my sweet boy misses his daddy. Brings me to tears!! WE miss you Walker!

1 comment:

  1. I miss you guys too!! It is never easy to be away from your family. I can't wait to get on the plane back to L-Ville!! I am ready to see my sweet wife and my baby boy. I love hearing your voices on the phone each day, but seeing you will be much better. Can't wait to come home on Friday. Love you both very much!!!!
