Saturday, May 29, 2010 I promised, just a little late!

Here's a video of Davis exploring the farm with just a diaper on. SO cute! He is my favorite little boy! So I have tried to put videos up for three days now, so it looks like they are gonna all have to be individual posts-STINK!

Friday, May 28, 2010

God has a way of taking me to my knees!

SO all you momma's out there have had a sick baby before, right? I am afraid all of us have had our sweet babies sick at least one time in there life and if not I must say it will come. (sad but true) Well after devoting every second to my sick little one I started to feel a bit oh I dunno sad. I mean after all momma needs someone to care for her too, right? I thought my job NEVER ends and it is not always pretty. I need, no I deserve a break, right? My sweet friend and I discussed this and how no matter how great our hubbies are a sick baby always wants his momma, so times are just a little more trying with a sick one. As I was forming my speech for WAlker about how I needed time by myself tonight, I began to browse the internet. I came upon a blog of one my FHU buddies and began to look around. She had a link to another girls blog and I began reading-a bit nosy aren't I when I am feeling down. Anyway, as I began reading I became very sick to my stomach and humbled. This fellow Christian sister has two cute babies and as I was looking at their pics I noticed there was no daddy in the pics. The blog was simply about the mom and the two babies, until I found a post titled tragedy in 09. My heart sunk as I read and tears streamed down my face. This poor lady lost her hubby one morning on his commute to work in a car accident. Not only did she loose him, but she was pregnant and already had a 23 month old little girl. As I was searching to see how she was doing and calmed to see she is taking days one at a time and healing slowly I realized what a way for God to show me things could always be worse.
Thank you God for the constant reminder that life is precious and we should not take it for granted. I am blessed to have my wonderful spouse by my side and at times motherhood might be challenging, but you NEVER leave me and you have provided me with a wonderful helpmeet to endure the challenge with me. When I take my eyes off of you and things that are good please remind me life is fragile and short. Thanks for taking me to my knees and humbling me.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

14 months and counting

Monday May 31st, Davis will be 14 months old. I am amazed how quickly time flies after you have kids. He is getting so big and he is quite the charmer. We have really been working hard on his speech and it has blossomed these last couple of weeks. Being a speech language pathologist by trade has totally made me more aware of D's speech/language. He will imitate pretty much any word and if he doesn't he will open his mouth and shake his head up and down like he is saying something-sooo funny! His new favorite words are yes, up, shhhh, shuwee, out, and bye. He still loves kissing and hugging all of his friends and really any person who will let him love on them. He has developed quite the temper and gets very angry when he doesn't get what he thinks he needs. He loves to shower with daddy and when he hears the water running he immediately tries to get his shirt off to get naked! He loves showing off his animal noises: elephant, dog, cow, lizard, monkey. Davis is able to find his head, belly, mouth, nose, eyes and sometimes ears. His blankeys are still his number one and he laughs out loud when he finds them. He sleeps with them always and still listens to the same lullaby cd he has since birth. Does also recognizes WH questions. When you ask any question he puts his hands up and turns them upside down like we would do when he are saying Where-so hilarious! Davis also loves to smile and laugh, recently he began imitating others laugh. He drops his head back and laughs a very fake laugh, I must say it is quite amusing. Davis is and always has been a busy little boy, we play hard and we have so much fun. Outdoors is where he wants to be and if water is invovled he is one happy boy. I am thankful for your kisses and hugs, I love you DW!

Monday, May 24, 2010

gone camping!!

We had so much fun camping with the crew this weekend. Davis slept in the camper for the first time and did excellent. After our boat ride he took an amazing three hour nap! He sure did love exploring the outdoors. We can't wait for our next camping trip! The pictures capture our time on the boat, setting up camp, taking a nap, playing at the playground, checking out the water, and just plain having fun!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

this is the blog post that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend

I GOT A NEW CAMERA!! YEAH! You know I got a new toy when I get home from a week long trip with almost 300 pics! Can you say OVERBOARD!! Oh well! I am loving my new camera, and with Aunt Lane's help I am a pro at the ole canon now! HA! Here are a couple playing with the camera before our trip. The next few are the sweet baby taking a nap on the way to TN. If only he was ALWAYS that good in the car. Oh well, gotta give us something to look forward too!

WE had lots of fun in Tn last week and since my camera would not work on Lane's computer this blog is a lot of catch up from our experience! Here are some quick pics of Davis with Uncle. He sure did love seeing Uncle again, and Uncle loved his "sugar man". It was just a little tough getting them both to hold still and look at the camera at the same time!

These next pics are from Davis in the Wellington's new yard! He loved it! He went from beign in clothes, to a diaper, to just plain naked! He even peed in the yard-such a boy!

I really love all the new features this camera has and these are a couple pics of me learning how to use all the tricks! Enjoy!

One day I will get a couple of cute videos on here from last week. I promise! It has taken me literally all day to finish this due to slow computer downloads!! Oh well! Videos to come soon!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

To my one and ONLY

My first moment at a quiet house and I wanted to make sure and take advantage of it before the 22nd. You see the 22nd of May is a very special day in the Wellington house. It was the day two became one. The day my prince married his princess. The day I became MRS. Wellington, and not to mention the happiest lady in the world. We have enjoyed six amazing years of marriage this year and I am so thankful. We have made many memories in our marriage. Some of my favorite are visiting and revisiting Aruba, cruising through the Caribbean, camping with family and friends, making some of the most wonderful friends at FHU, Murray and Louisville, and having a beautiful baby boy.
To the man I married six years ago I am thankful! You love in a way no one else has ever loved me. You give up family time at home so that I am able to raise our son and not work. That sacrifice is unforgettable and I am completely in love with the way you love me. You love me even when I whine and fuss, you cheer me even when you are sad too. You listen even when you'd rather give me advice. All the times when you put me before your needs will NEVER be forgotten. You Walker Dow are one in a million and boy I am glad you picked me. Walker you complete me and you have made me so happy. Thanks for the last six years and can't wait to celebrate many more.
I hope all of you reading this have a sweet spouse as I do. You see our relationship began from a purple jolly rancher. Who knew a little piece of hard candy would bloom this relationship into a thing we like to call LOVE.

Humbling Humboldt (revised)

so what a HORRIBLE experience we had today. my sis is getting married and she needed us to drive to a shop to get Davis measured for his wedding attire. so lane, myself and Davis packed up and headed to what we thought would just be a thirty minute drive to Humboldt. to our dismay this PLACE was not where we thought it was and almost two hours later we were pulling in the shop. Davis had totally lost it and we had run out of things to appease him so when we stopped lets just say we all began to breathe better. it is important to understand that when i say "things to appease him" this bountiful list includes an Elmo video times two, goldfish, an oatmeal pie, a cup of apple juice, a Capri sun, and blow pops (this was his first experience with suckers and boy was it interesting-red blow pop juice covered his face, mine-cause he wanted to share-and both of our shirts). the appointment took less than ten minutes and yes we were back in the car. yippee. we didn't get far down the road and Davis was already done with the car. now when i say done i mean done. he began crying so hard to puked not once but three times. we had used all the wipes on the trip there we had nothing and as i held a hand full of puke i began to wonder if my mother in law (who had given us the directions) and my sis (the wedding for which the whole trip was planned for) would even believe the disgusting details of our trip. we finally got home and not a bit to soon, you guessed it, he puked yet another time! lane and i are tired, stinky and disgusted from this trip. no more road trips, at least not today!!!

Hump Day

We are having lots of TN fun this week. Davis is enjoying all the extra attention from the family and is loving the "farm life." WAlker will return tomorrow-LATE- and then we are suppose to go camping with the gang this weekend. I thought I had made progress with my "chest" but unfortunately the pain is back and with terrible discomfort. Looking forward to our last days in TN and can't wait to capture the memories on camera. (i promise i will share soon!!) Can't wait to see what we will get into today!

Monday, May 17, 2010

From Kentucky to Tennessee to Kansas, Walker is our favorite traveler

dear Dad, wanted to say sorry cause mommy's new camera won't let her put pics and videos on our blog while you're away. just know she has taken a million and one pics and videos while you are gone and she will show them to you as soon as you return. i miss you so much. mom is doing her best, but no one can put me down for bed like you do. i also miss throwing balls up in the air with you. can we do it when you get home? have fun in kansas and all i want from kansas is you to come back home. love you lots and don't worry i am being REALLY good and listening to mommy while you are away! DW

Thursday, May 13, 2010

come what may

so much to say, so little time. i don't usually do this but seems as though lots of situations are happening at this time and i need to write about them to be able to process them adequately. first, we are heading to tn for the next week or so. walker is going on his last trip to kansas (praise God) and mommy wanted some help and decided to go make memories with the in laws. i just stopped nursing davis last saturday and after days of what seemed like a brick had taken up ownership of my chest i am having some relief today. (again, praise God) the summer is quickly approaching and i am so excited about the many zoo trips, pool time, florida week, and many other experiences this summer has to offer us, well forgot where i was going with this post so i am gonna stop-this is what i get for waiting to publish this post for so long.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Gone Fishing!

Dad has been hanging out with Davis and I since Walker has been gone and tonight he decided to fix D's fishing pole for him. Of course Davis thought he was big stuff and immediately tried to do it all himself. Dad is convinced he is going to be handy because he loves tinkering with things. It did not take him long to figure out how to push the button and cast. Dad even reminised about Jarrett's first fish he caught. Oh the memories to make. I can't wait till Davis is able to catch his first "BIG one".

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Some of my mommy friends and I headed to the zoo for out first experience in the splash park for the first time this year. We had such a great time. We all decided we were the coolest moms there because we were just as wet as our kiddos! Davis loved it! As soon as we got there he ran around in the water having a big time. He got hit with LOTS of water which made him really COLD, so once we figured out his swim shirt was keeping him cold we got rid of it and he was off for round number 2! WHile we were there they were working on the new polar bear home and he LOVED watching the tractor dig up rocks! We stayed almost 4 hours and once we got home he went straight to bed. (hoping he takes a GREAT nap!!!)
Here are some videos of D doing his thing at the splash park. He had so much fun in all the water. We can't wait to go back!