Thursday, May 27, 2010

14 months and counting

Monday May 31st, Davis will be 14 months old. I am amazed how quickly time flies after you have kids. He is getting so big and he is quite the charmer. We have really been working hard on his speech and it has blossomed these last couple of weeks. Being a speech language pathologist by trade has totally made me more aware of D's speech/language. He will imitate pretty much any word and if he doesn't he will open his mouth and shake his head up and down like he is saying something-sooo funny! His new favorite words are yes, up, shhhh, shuwee, out, and bye. He still loves kissing and hugging all of his friends and really any person who will let him love on them. He has developed quite the temper and gets very angry when he doesn't get what he thinks he needs. He loves to shower with daddy and when he hears the water running he immediately tries to get his shirt off to get naked! He loves showing off his animal noises: elephant, dog, cow, lizard, monkey. Davis is able to find his head, belly, mouth, nose, eyes and sometimes ears. His blankeys are still his number one and he laughs out loud when he finds them. He sleeps with them always and still listens to the same lullaby cd he has since birth. Does also recognizes WH questions. When you ask any question he puts his hands up and turns them upside down like we would do when he are saying Where-so hilarious! Davis also loves to smile and laugh, recently he began imitating others laugh. He drops his head back and laughs a very fake laugh, I must say it is quite amusing. Davis is and always has been a busy little boy, we play hard and we have so much fun. Outdoors is where he wants to be and if water is invovled he is one happy boy. I am thankful for your kisses and hugs, I love you DW!

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