Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Humbling Humboldt (revised)

so what a HORRIBLE experience we had today. my sis is getting married and she needed us to drive to a shop to get Davis measured for his wedding attire. so lane, myself and Davis packed up and headed to what we thought would just be a thirty minute drive to Humboldt. to our dismay this PLACE was not where we thought it was and almost two hours later we were pulling in the shop. Davis had totally lost it and we had run out of things to appease him so when we stopped lets just say we all began to breathe better. it is important to understand that when i say "things to appease him" this bountiful list includes an Elmo video times two, goldfish, an oatmeal pie, a cup of apple juice, a Capri sun, and blow pops (this was his first experience with suckers and boy was it interesting-red blow pop juice covered his face, mine-cause he wanted to share-and both of our shirts). the appointment took less than ten minutes and yes we were back in the car. yippee. we didn't get far down the road and Davis was already done with the car. now when i say done i mean done. he began crying so hard to puked not once but three times. we had used all the wipes on the trip there we had nothing and as i held a hand full of puke i began to wonder if my mother in law (who had given us the directions) and my sis (the wedding for which the whole trip was planned for) would even believe the disgusting details of our trip. we finally got home and not a bit to soon, you guessed it, he puked yet another time! lane and i are tired, stinky and disgusted from this trip. no more road trips, at least not today!!!

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