Thursday, May 13, 2010

come what may

so much to say, so little time. i don't usually do this but seems as though lots of situations are happening at this time and i need to write about them to be able to process them adequately. first, we are heading to tn for the next week or so. walker is going on his last trip to kansas (praise God) and mommy wanted some help and decided to go make memories with the in laws. i just stopped nursing davis last saturday and after days of what seemed like a brick had taken up ownership of my chest i am having some relief today. (again, praise God) the summer is quickly approaching and i am so excited about the many zoo trips, pool time, florida week, and many other experiences this summer has to offer us, well forgot where i was going with this post so i am gonna stop-this is what i get for waiting to publish this post for so long.

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