Friday, May 28, 2010

God has a way of taking me to my knees!

SO all you momma's out there have had a sick baby before, right? I am afraid all of us have had our sweet babies sick at least one time in there life and if not I must say it will come. (sad but true) Well after devoting every second to my sick little one I started to feel a bit oh I dunno sad. I mean after all momma needs someone to care for her too, right? I thought my job NEVER ends and it is not always pretty. I need, no I deserve a break, right? My sweet friend and I discussed this and how no matter how great our hubbies are a sick baby always wants his momma, so times are just a little more trying with a sick one. As I was forming my speech for WAlker about how I needed time by myself tonight, I began to browse the internet. I came upon a blog of one my FHU buddies and began to look around. She had a link to another girls blog and I began reading-a bit nosy aren't I when I am feeling down. Anyway, as I began reading I became very sick to my stomach and humbled. This fellow Christian sister has two cute babies and as I was looking at their pics I noticed there was no daddy in the pics. The blog was simply about the mom and the two babies, until I found a post titled tragedy in 09. My heart sunk as I read and tears streamed down my face. This poor lady lost her hubby one morning on his commute to work in a car accident. Not only did she loose him, but she was pregnant and already had a 23 month old little girl. As I was searching to see how she was doing and calmed to see she is taking days one at a time and healing slowly I realized what a way for God to show me things could always be worse.
Thank you God for the constant reminder that life is precious and we should not take it for granted. I am blessed to have my wonderful spouse by my side and at times motherhood might be challenging, but you NEVER leave me and you have provided me with a wonderful helpmeet to endure the challenge with me. When I take my eyes off of you and things that are good please remind me life is fragile and short. Thanks for taking me to my knees and humbling me.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the encouraging post, Liz. No matter how hard our lives are we are quickly reminded that they could be much worse, but for the grace of God! I have to preach that to myself daily! I love seeing your pics of Davis...they grow up so fast.
