Sunday, May 23, 2010

this is the blog post that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend

I GOT A NEW CAMERA!! YEAH! You know I got a new toy when I get home from a week long trip with almost 300 pics! Can you say OVERBOARD!! Oh well! I am loving my new camera, and with Aunt Lane's help I am a pro at the ole canon now! HA! Here are a couple playing with the camera before our trip. The next few are the sweet baby taking a nap on the way to TN. If only he was ALWAYS that good in the car. Oh well, gotta give us something to look forward too!

WE had lots of fun in Tn last week and since my camera would not work on Lane's computer this blog is a lot of catch up from our experience! Here are some quick pics of Davis with Uncle. He sure did love seeing Uncle again, and Uncle loved his "sugar man". It was just a little tough getting them both to hold still and look at the camera at the same time!

These next pics are from Davis in the Wellington's new yard! He loved it! He went from beign in clothes, to a diaper, to just plain naked! He even peed in the yard-such a boy!

I really love all the new features this camera has and these are a couple pics of me learning how to use all the tricks! Enjoy!

One day I will get a couple of cute videos on here from last week. I promise! It has taken me literally all day to finish this due to slow computer downloads!! Oh well! Videos to come soon!

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