Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2 yr old dr. visit

Well it was the dreaded "Doctor Day" today and for the most part we made it! It's funny it's like kids know what is going on and where they are even if it's a new place. We drove in to the Dr.'s office and Davis said "new doctors home." We walked in with our truck and gum in our mouth showing off how big we were and to keep the tears away...didn't work. The receptionist ladies were so sweet and were talking to Davis about how cute he was and how big he was chewing gum and he broke down. He was NOT happy to be there and he wanted to make sure they knew it. They handed me the booklet of new paperwork and we headed to the fun waiting area with slides and toys. Davis chose mommy instead of all the FUN stuff so we filled out all 19 papers together!! When we went to turn our book in we recognized some friends we had just met this weekend...Maddox and his parents! Lucky for us Maddox was happy and showed D it was an OK place. They called us back together and wanted them naked and back out to be weighed and measured. Neither of them dug that and BOTH of them hated the weighing/measuring process. Davis weighed in at 31 lbs 4 oz and was 34 inches tall! That's my big strong boy! We hung out in the hall and played with Maddox until the sweet finger poking lady came in! Ugh! Not fun! She was great with Davis though and he ended up counting the droplets of blood for her. There were 5 if you don't believe me! He got a band aid and said "all done momma, home" Poor guy had no idea we were just getting started! About the time I told him we were close Dr. Blake walked in. YES, more tears more crying to go home. He explained it was all very normal and most kids do this until they are 3 or 4 (good thing you only go back once a year!!). He was fabulous and Davis really started to warm up to him. He let him listen to his breathing, look in his ears, eyes, mouth, etc all without crying and then started telling him random facts. You see before the visit Walker and I had really talked to Davis about talking to the doctor and showing him how smart he was. Davis took the opportunity and began spouting off information like his name, favorite color, favorite toy, how old he was, his favorite food, his favorite show until finally he ran out of favorites and said "doctor all done, bye bye!" Dr. Blake thought that was pretty fitting and allowed him to get dressed and prepare for home! We got a good report on the ears (PRAISE GOD!) and Dr. Blake said he is a very smart healthy little boy who knows what he wants! Not anything I wasn't already aware of but good to hear nonetheless. Davis was never so glad to get out of the doctors house and go "bye bye in daddy's car. " He never ceasing to amaze me and cracks me up with his two year old intuition. The rest of the morning we spent some much needed time at Kroger, Walgreens and Target doing some extreme couponing! YAY Mommy! On the way home we talked about all the places we had been and how good Davis had acted and he spoke and said "finger broke momma." I told him baby your finger is not broke it's just a band aid they used to stop the bleeding. He said "K daddy fix it." Loving the days when we can still fix everything for our little man, praying for the days when we can't FIX things anymore. Children sure do bring out the prayers in a momma and daddy.

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