Monday, April 11, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

This weekend we had a special treat...we got to visit with the Butler's. Erin is about four weeks from her due date and it was time to have a shower for Jordan's arrival so we went to Huntington to see our buddies. Murray's family is so sweet and kid friendly and they had an Easter egg hunt for the boys before the shower. They all had a really great time and got way too much candy! Davis could not believe there was candy in all of the eggs! He had a blast and Erin and I enjoyed remembering back to last year when all he and Cole did was sit and smile amongst the eggs! Oh what a difference a year makes!

those are some happy boys...Can you say CANDY?

Notice how Davis has on a different shirt and shorts...he was the lucky one that fell in the pool! Boys will be boys, in this case Davis will be Davis!

Thanks Butler's for such a sweet shower for Erin and such wonderful fellowship! We had a great time and can't wait to come back and visit! Oh and I have to think Erin for sending me the pics, somehow my camera got left at home!!!

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