Friday, April 15, 2011

It's raining it's pouring....

Well what better to do on a rainy day, but go out and play in the puddles! Davis and I left the gym this am with our rain boots on (I carried my tennis shoes in so I wouldn't squeak the entire workout) and decided the puddles were too big and too exciting to not stomp in them. We headed home and continued the fun in our lake of a yard. Davis loved jumping like a rabbit and a frog in all the puddles. Davis was really cooperative with the camera until the end and he decided that he needed to take some pics. Bet you can't guess which ones he took. (the ones of us!) We were covered in leaves, mud, sand and water so we headed in after our splash fest for a nice hot bath. Davis got some pill looking things that turned into trucks for his birthday and we decided it was the perfect time to let our trucks grow! He had a blast screaming "grow trucks grow" and loved deciding what kind of trucks they all were. What a fabulous friday! Can't go out in rain without our truck!
All smiles about being out in the rain and making messes!
Who loves the rain? I do!

BATH TIME! Who said getting clean was no fun?

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