Monday, April 18, 2011

What would Davis say part 3

So Davis has began some of the funniest things lately and they are just too great not to share and I have to write them down since I print my blog post for his baby memories. Please enjoy! His newest phrases that are completely Davis owned are : "hold you me": this phrase is used when he wants to be held (obviously) but we also use it on him when we want to be held! Of course it is commonly used when talking to his trucks or other toys! "this is..." I love this one. If Davis is confused by something or doesn't know what something or someone is he will say "this is, this is, this is" until you tell him what the persons name is or what the object is that he does not know the name of. My best example is while getting ready for church the other night my zipper is was left undone and left a dimple in my shirt (trying to see if I like the combo before getting it all zipped together) and he came up to me and pointed at the dimple in my shirt and said this sweet little phrase. I am thinking he was attempting to help me with my dressing! "HMMMMM" (accompanied by his finger on his mouth) he uses this word all the time if we give him a choice about something. Davis what do you want to eat "hmmmmm butter and jelly" Davis has also started saying his own prayers before meals. He will thank God for the special people in his life (mainly friends and family that are on his mind at that certain time) and then he then he will start in on his favorite toys/blankies, etc. We have all heard the comment what if you only had the things that you thanked God the night before, how much would you have. Well D would have all his fav people and things! He is also VERY much into chewing gum. So much so that he has to have it when we are in the car. He loves all colors, flavors and even attempts to blow bubbles (hilarious!). He also loves for everyone to chew it with him. This is fine when he asks us to chew it, but he is just not sure why his buddies Peyton, Marley and Gracie can't chew it yet! Walker and I have also started "a phrase a day" with Davis. We use this to get him to say our favorite phrase basically whenever we want. (the silly things parents do!!) So far our favorite ones are "I'm happy," "Jesus loves me," "Good morning!" HE says them with such enthusiasm and excitement, kinda like what he is saying is the best thing a person could say! Gotta love our little boy! Sorry this post turned into a mini monthly update, but things are gonna start getting crazy at our house so I am posting when I can about what I can. WE move in about 10 days into our new house! YAY!

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