Monday, April 4, 2011

What I have learned from having a baby

I decided to keep a list of the things I have learned from having a baby (two years ago) and wanted to share it with others! ENJOY!

* Nothing is yours anymore. Those tiny fingers and toes think the world is ALL for them!

* Never been hurt quite so much in my life. (and no I am not talking about natural childbirth, with no drugs) Kids push, stomp, pull, grab, smack and don't really mean to, but nonetheless it hurts!! It hurts so bad that you wanna do the action right back to them, but don't because you love them so much!

*Putting a size bigger diaper on a baby at night is the BEST for no diaper leaks!

*Teaching sign language early is great but can lead to the child not saying the words he or she signs.

*There isn't anything a little A&D can't fix!

*All the "wiser" people at the grocery LOVE to talk and play with your baby...this is great, but makes for a VERY long grovery outing!

*Babies make the amount of stuff you own TRIPLE!! (clothes, diapers, toys, bedding, etc)

*Babies take in a lot more than what most people give them credit for. Never underestimate what a child hears, says and can remember!

*No one has ever made my temper go from o to 160 like him, but no one could ever make me love me as much as he does!

*Not all kids love to ride in the car!

*Not all kids love to eat!

*Nap time is ESSENTIAL, and why I'm on it, SCHEDULES are essential. Sorry all you people who disagree but this is a MUST in our house!

*I may be a thrify SAHM but video monitors (as costly as they are) are the BEST baby item out there.

*No one, not even daddy, quite does it like MOMMY!

This is all for now..until next time!

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