Friday, April 1, 2011

MOVIE time

WE had a great adventure tonight..we took Davis to his first movie! We watched HOP and he did amazing. The movie was packed and we ended up all having to sit in seats not beside one another. (not ideal since it was D's first experience) Oh I forgot to mention the owners of the theater go to the same church with us and are too sweet. They only play g and pg movies!!! They let Davis in for free and even game him a free water bottle! He sat with me for most of the movie, but also tried out his daddy's lap (who was behind me) for part of the show. He kept saying "bunny rabbit drumming." He was so proud of himself for sitting through the movie and it helped the gang (mia, pops, laura, nick and mom and dad) gave him a round of applause after the show for being such a good boy! Oh yeah to top off our movie experience, we also witnessed a full knock down drag out over seats between two women...this is when owning a theater would not be fun! All in all we had a great time and saw a really cute movie. Stay tuned for our next movie adventure!

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