Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Boys just got to splash in the puddles!


So Davis LOVES to splash in puddles and recently I told him the next time it was warm he could splash so….today we had puddles and it was relatively warm so…HE SPLASHED! I totally had preggo brain  and did not put him in any of his rain gear so his clothes/shoes and socks are currently soaking in some serious soap! I hope you can tell he had an absolute blast and spent thirty minutes running back and forth through this HUGE puddle near our house! Love when kidsfind entertainment in things around them!

feb 002feb 003feb 004 so proud of himself for getting wet!

feb 005look at that JUMP!!!

feb 006feb 007look at all the mess mom!

feb 008feb 009feb 010on your mark get set run!!!!!

feb 011feb 012feb 014feb 015some serious splash action….

feb 017my messy dude!

feb 018feb 019feb 020feb 021balls in water are pretty fun too! feb 022feb 023feb 024


feb 025LOVE this one!

 feb 026feb 028feb 029feb 030feb 031He is trying to get me…can you tell…fyi I never got tagged! This preggo girl can still move fast!

feb 033feb 034feb 036feb 038feb 039feb 040feb 042feb 043he found what he likes to call an old people stick..haha, you think he is around old people much?

feb 044feb 046are you’s time to go in already????

feb 047feb 048feb 049Thanks mommy! I sure did have fun getting all messy!

Splashing in the puddles!


I think every week only ___ more weeks until it is my two kids and me and not just me and Davis. Trying to make precious memories everyday with my special buddy! Today was fun and never know what tomorrow has in store for us!


Davis funnies:

While at walmart Davis sees an elderly lady and looks up at me to say , “Mommy old people shop at Walmart?” Ha! No son they shop at different places! HAHA!

While driving home from the gym Davis shouts “Mommy I see a hummer bird!” I laugh and say you do and then precede to teach him they are in fact called humming birds, not hummer birds! I’ll spare you those details, pretty hilarious for a boy that thinks the world revolves around vehicles!

We are learning the letter D this week and Davis and I have been talking about dolphins. He stands up in his chair and begins telling me this elaborate story about how he has a dolphin suit at his laura and nick’s house and they take in out, when they borrow it, and he wears it in the pool and at Meme and Pawpaw’s pond! What an imagination and what a story teller!

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