Thursday, February 9, 2012

The letter B, and still not a healthy house!


SO we have moved to the letter B this week and D is getting more and more into all my little “school” things for him regarding letters. Instead of the stomach bug this week we are dealing with a mommy that has no voice. Lessons have been tough and extremely short, but he is still getting into them and being as silly as ever..note the crazy faces in all the pictures. He refused to smile sweetly, “no mommy crazy faces with my B’s!” You can tell your child is a ham when he takes a goofy picture and has to see it before he will take another so he can out do the first! HA!

feb 001

feb 002

feb 003

feb 004

He pretty much loves any activity, messy or not, that you put in front of him, but he has really been taken by the glitter aka sparkles this week. He had to put stickers on the page with them, so I told him he could as long as they started with the letter b. He did it and was very proud of himself for doing so!

This week has reminded me and caused me to reflect on many things and today is just Thursday.

*Your voice is SO very important especially to a toddler. He has started adding right mom, see mom, to everything this week to make sure I was listening since I tried to use minimal voice output!

*Your child doesn’t care if your voice sounds terrible he still wants to sing and do all the things you normally do…not much vocal rest around this house!

*Since my voice has been different pitches/intensities this week, I will sometimes get a really weird look from D and he will say “mommy did you just say that!” Ha! Just wait kid you’ll do it too in several years! HAHA!

*The last two weeks, with all the sickness, D will say “Mommy I’m crying cause I worried about you!” Bless him, we are all ready to be better baby!

I have also spent lots of time at home and laying in the bed thinking in two short months my baby with be three years old. Now don’t get me wrong I am a toddler momma. I love talking, playing, imagining, singing etc with my little man, but wow the time is just flying bye! He melts my heart everyday with sweet sayings like, Mommy you are the best mommy, or mommy you are pretty, and even mommy Jesus is in my heart, I sing about that! There are also days when I have to remind tell myself Liz he is just two give him a break. Like when he asks a million and one questions about why I am making a call, text, fb message, or just simply doing laundry. His curiosity is what makes him so smart and makes him a little boy I like to call Davis Walker Dow! I am making the most of these days, healthy or not because every day I get to spend with him is a cherished one with memories big and small!


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