Monday, February 27, 2012

Hanauer’s come to Milan

Well we weren’t sure it was going to get to happen but the Hanauers’s got to come to Milan! (It only took a year..haha!-better late than NEVER!) We had so much fun despite three of the six of them getting sick! Thanks Murray for getting Emily meds quickly so she could get better! They arrived before bedtime on Friday evening with loads of energy from being in the car for 5 plus hours! We gave them the tour of our home ate a snack and settled down for bedtime! We were so excited they made it and had a relatively un eventful drive to TN!

feb 001watching a show and eating snacks before bedtime!

We woke up Saturday morning ready to go..on a wagon ride that is!

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The kids all loved the neighbors trampoline, ok so did Mr. Adam!

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feb 019feb 020Davis decided to pull everyone back home! My strong boy!!!

We never had a dull moment with 5 kiddos running a round. They were all so well behaved and really played well together! Davis sure does miss his sweet buddies! He refers to them as “the kids!”

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The weather was a little chilly but that did not stop the kids and dads from exploring the TN home land! HA! They were adorable on their “adventure” and took some pretty sweet pictures!

\feb 029feb 030feb 032feb 033feb 034feb 036feb 037feb 039Emily and Andi even made it out for a couple of minutes..both of them weren’t feeling too well! Aren’t they both too cute! Emily is one amazing mother of four!

feb 040feb 041feb 042 Coming home from their adventure…Kylie and Jackson came in in style, of course!

More jumping…the kids sure did love jumping and the adults loved all the laughs and crashes!

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Kylie was quite the singer and musician this weekend…she is so grown up!

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WE took them around Milan and to eat at one of our finest..the chow wagon. When we pulled up to the dive, Kylie said “Wow this is really nice!” Ha!

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Waiting on our yummy deep fried food and ice cream!

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They had to leave pretty early Sunday morning, but not before we could sneak some shots…minus Andi (she was warm in the van!)

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Oh I miss my girls so much! Emily has been a part of my life for six years now and leaving her in Louisville was one of the hardest things I have done. I miss her greatly and thoroughly enjoyed this weekend with her! I’ve watched Kylie grow from a toddler to a beautiful young lady and she remains one of my most favorite little ladies! I miss you girls!

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Videos from the weekend…..



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