Monday, February 6, 2012

Parenthood is not always pretty!

We THOUGHT everyone was over the yucky bug so we headed to Lville this weekend. Well to our dismay, we weren’t. I ended up driving to L-ville, not something I have done very often with Walker in the car. (ok never!) I am pretty sure we stopped at least five times and poor D was the best trooper, just s little too inquisitive for his own good. He could not believe his daddy was getting sick on the side of the road…he could not stop laughing! Poor daddy! When we finally reached our destination daddy spent the night in the basement, and we all slept in separate parts of the house! Mia and Pops got lots of quality D time cause Mommy and Daddy were yucky sick!

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Mia spent some sweet cuddle time watching D’s favorite shows of the day!

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Pops and Mia pulled out some new blocks and D LOVED them! He built with them, ran through them, clapped with them, etc!


We had to get out of the house for a few hours, Mia and Pops house is on the market, so we went to bass pro for our adventure out. We were all feeling relatively okay, but not 100%! Davis got so excited when he saw the Bass pro sign (not sure if it was we hadn’t been out of the house in so long or if he really likes the place!) He told Pops he wanted him to buy a boat as we were driving in..that made Pops VERY happy! Especially when he mentioned him needing two not one boat!

febsale 047febsale 048febsale 049D loved driving the boats, he would say everybody get on this boat right now!

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He even thought we needed a gator. He thought Mia and Pops would drive it around the store! HA!

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He found a nice gun, and horse to ride and shoot! Oh my!

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He even got to race some cars and won!


We ended up leaving without going to church Sunday because D actually got sick…AGAIN! So it was a very yucky trip, but we decided it was needed so D would have such good play mates! Thanks Mia and Pops…hope u don’t get it!

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We spent Super Bowl Sunday at our house so we would not infect anyone else and this is what we did…each others hair…D’s new favorite thing! It was hilarious and he is a great hair washer, btw!

I would love to say that raising babies is glorious all the time, but after these past nine days I would say sometimes it just stinks. I hate that he was sick, I do not want to do laundry for a very long time and I am personally sick of the BRAT diet…I could not eat things he could not eat in front of him! SO glad he and we are better…I hope! And I pray everyone around us stays well and does not get this horrific bug. These are the days my friends I can say even though its yucky I am glad I stay at home with my little man! Momma’s make everything better! I know that’s right!

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