Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Whatcha bloggin about?

We are on our way to Jackson to go tot the hospital…”not to get Emmy out”despite what Davis thinks but yet on our way to Big Brother class! He is a little excited, can you tell? He held on to the note they sent them in the mail and insisted he bring it with him since it had his name on it in two places!! (“since he’s two”…D’s theology!)

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We arrived and immediately went on a tour of the hospital..D was so excited to see where he would get to see Emmy for the first time and he was pumped there was trucks in the waiting room! Pretty sure he fell in love with the hospital at this point!

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We went to a room where they would be prepping me for surgery and they gave D his very own Doctors mask and hat…what a cool dude!

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He even got to see real live babies…he was very into finding which one was his favorite!

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Sporting his big brother sticker and checking out more of the hospital room!

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Snack time…pretty exciting for a two year old!

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Next came the baby! Fun story…the girl in front of us was seven and was given the African American baby. She did not appreciate this so I told her to switch with D, he didn’t mind what color his baby was. Her mother was quick to inform me she was not prejudice she just had the white baby in the car…yeah uh huh. sure! Anyway glad my little guy is not picky and loves all colors (although he now says our emmy will be dark and not light! HAHA!) .  We spent the next few minutes changing the diaper….what a hoot!

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feb 028(I love this face, like can you believe I’m doing this mom!)

feb 029feb 030feb 031feb 032High fives from Daddy for changing the baby’s diaper!

Next, D was asked to put her hat opn..check out how he did it….what a mess!

feb 033feb 034feb 035feb 036feb 037Yay! We did it, after being silly of course!

Next to learn how to swaddle Emmy…

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feb 041Once again with a little help from Daddy Davis swaddled his sweet baby!

feb 042feb 043feb 044Some sweet Davis and baby pictures!

Time to eat…Davis fed his baby a bottle! Done like a true parent with the mouth open and everything!

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time to burp…

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I must say he was pretty impressed with himself and his big brother skills, so were mommy and daddy!

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Next, Davis got to make Emmy a present while at the class. He chose a pink bib and he loved decorating it for his little sister!

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He LOVED his newest big brother shirt..we are up to 6 shirts now! HAHA!

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Davis going to get his certificate and prizes! HE was so proud he ran all the way up to the teacher and back to us..hence the blurry photos!

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Davis is a certified sibling…he is officially ready for baby Emerson to arrive!

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Family photos at the Sibling class!

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The class was superb and D learned so much about being a big brother! I would totally recommend doing it before having other siblings. Something we will definitely do again if number three enters our minds! HA! Davis was the youngest one there but had no problems answering the teachers questions and telling everyone all about his baby sister! He made sure they knew she was a girl, her name was Emerson but he would call her Emmy and that she would have blue hair…ahhh! He loved sharing he had painted canvases for her room and and even got out some of his old toys/clothes for her to wear! We have such a great big brother on our hands and pray he continues to adore his sister the way he does now!


Saturday we headed to Dyersburg to see some friends we hadn’t seen in a while and meet their little Asher! He was adorable and it was so nice catching up. We told Davis he used to play with Asher’s daddy and he thought that was pretty neat!

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Sunday night before children’s ministry Davis and his buddy Eli decided to tackle Parker…thanks Parker for taking the tackle like a champ! HA!

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the letter C..we had a really busy week, but still had time to squeeze in the letter C. He is now adding that letter to his repertoire, I think we are up to like 17 letters he knows now! WOW! He points them out on everything, and everywhere. My little letter man!

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Davis learned Jesus loves people everywhere in class on Sunday and he was so proud he could hold all of his people up..he wanted these pics real bad!

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check out how Emmy moves…she is one busy girl!
Davis in big brother class…playing with his baby!


Davis’ commentary on Big Brother class!

We also got maternity, family and three year old pics made..hope to share those with you soon!

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