Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Happy Valentines Day Everybody! I hope everyone has someone special they can share a moment with today. Whether it be a significant other or a special friend EVERY day should be spent with those we love. Today I had made lots of fun LOVE memories with both of my boys! We shared lots of sweet cards and D even got some new blocks for this LOVE day! Daddy got mommy a day at the spa and Daddy got some headphones, socks and trip to the golf course here! (we didn’t share that with him..surprise daddy!)

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I have a little boy who LOVES to help in the kitchen and today was no different because it involved all sorts of sweet things! He loves to help but he also loves cleaning up…his way!

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Look at that chocolate chin…you think he enjoyed this project?

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The finsihed product…YUMMY!

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BTW this is like our favorite pastime while we are waiting on our food to be ready or working off our food after a meal. D calls it dancing around the table!

To my sweet hubby:

Thanks for all the beautiful memories we have shared these past 11.5 years. You are amazing and you encourage me to be a better person just from being you. You are a treasure I simply do not deserve but am honored to call mine. May I always be your love  and you mine. You are the love of my life and I hope I always treat you that way. If I fail, and I know I will/have, please be patient with me and know I am human and really do try to be the best wife, mother, and friend I can. I love you with all my heart and am enjoying spending my life with you. May it lead to many more adventures and life experiences and may we look back on our time together and know that what we have is TRUE love! 

TO my sweet boy:

You are mommy’s sweet 2 year old valentine and I love you with all my heart. You stole my heart when I met you and have kept it ever since that day. You are the sweetest, smartest, most loving little boy I know and I am so grateful God chose us to be your parents. Thank you for humbling us and keeping us grounded, you my little buddy are one special boy! Always know mommy loves you and you will always be my little man! My day is brightened every morning when I hear you call me, “Mommy come here I need you!” and my day ends a so sweet when you say “Night night mommy I love you, watch me on the monitor. I miss Emmy and I need her!” I pray your sweet spirit stays so loving! You teach me so much about love everyday. The way your love never stops, always forgets wrongs, and covers EVERYTHING!

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