Thursday, May 31, 2012

Whew..the past week, or so…

Ok so I’m still new with this two kiddo thing so this post should probably be broken into several, but for the sake of time and my sanity, it will be just one!

Aren’t mornings just so much fun, they are at my house…

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dressed up for another photo shoot…sleeping beauty!

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We love 5pm when daddy gets home. It’s time to wrestle, be loud and most of all have some serious fun!!!

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Nothing like the brotherly love!!!

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Seriously he could not be any sweeter with his baby sister!

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We got to visit some of my sisters friend who have some farm equipment and boy did Davis enjoy himself!! He needs a gator, tractor and four wheeler now!

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Emerson in her crab outfit, we thought she looked pretty cute in blue!

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Sissy had to watch him play trucks!!

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Gotta get some love while playing!

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We also enjoyed a morning/afternoon at the lake with our mia, pops, meme, pawpaw, lala and rob….sissy really enjoyed the loving!

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Davis really enjoyed the boat!!! He has decided we need Pawpaw’s boat…hmmm!

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He loved playing in the water with his daddy!

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One of Davis’ favorite things to do is lay beside his sister and chat…it is certainly one of the most precious things I’ve ever seen!

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I need to throw in a few funnies…

I asked Davis to check on Emerson while I was cooking dinner and he came back to me and said, “mommy she is snug as a bug in a rug!”

We pass a car that is pink and green  every day and we coined the car the watermelon car. Today Davis decided the car must work at the watermelon store since it looks like a watermelon!

We had a crazy adventure today while driving to Jackson to meet up with a new friend. My drivers side window blew in, literally crumbled and went everywhere. Davis immediately lost his mind and said his feelings were hurt and he was sad the wind, rock or wood pecker broke his window. After the mess and shock was over his versions on the story is that the friend we were going to meet is just a pretend friend since this is the second time we have tried to meet up with him, that a wood pecker broke his window and that his aunt Laura saved him cause she shut her door and her window did not break, and that two policemen came to help us, oh yeah and a women in a blue truck! What a story and mess, good thing everyone was alright and our window is currently being fixed!