Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Happy eight years Walker Dow Wellington..

Today is the day eight years ago I married my price charming. I have spent eight years living life with my best friend and making more memories than imaginable. We have cruised, flown, moved, bought, sold, had two amazing babies, cried, laughed, walked, ran, served, worshiped and experienced all life has to offer together.  The together has been the best part! Walker dow thanks for choosing me and I thank God daily that I love candy and that I was not shy in the least to ask you for some candy that day in Dr. Hovators class. So glad that purple jolly rancher got us started and blessed we found love somewhere in the beginning to keep us keeping on. You amaze me with your love and compassion for others, your zeal to be the best daddy to our sweet kiddos, and your passion for Christ.

Please never change you, and always remember I am your biggest fan. I am so excited about our life right now and making even more memories with you and our family thrills me! I compliment you on taking care of me and kids the way you do and may you never loose your drive. Your babies are your little cheerleaders and not a day goes by that I don’t feel blessed for getting to see you love on them and visa versa.

I love you with all my heart and pray we always keep our relationship grounded in Christ and display only his love for one another. May we live to see another 50 plus years!

God thank you for sending me Walker and I am honored and blessed to be his wife! Continue blessing our lives and allow us to make wise choices that bring honor and glory to you alone. May I always be the wife you intended for me to be to Walker. Help him see Christ in me. I pray I am a Godly woman, wife and mother. Help us never take one another for granted and always put one another on a pedestal only second to YOU! YOU alone are amazing and I am so glad you are a God that is alive and with us!

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