Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Emerson Oneita’s birth day

Walker and I went to bed extra early May 1 in anticipation that we would be meeting our baby girl early the next morning. We were so excited we talked all the way to the hospital about what she might look like, how big she would be and how Davis would love being a big brother. We waited a mere minutes after checking in and then the FUN began. I was ushered into my room with my stunning or clothes and immediately began the surgery process. Many question were asked, pictures taken and the nervousness finally started to settled in.

 emmy 001emmy 002getting ready to head to the hospital….39 1/2 weeks preggo

emmy 003my bracelet

emmy 004emmy 005very excited happy mommy and daddy…

emmy 006emmy 007my fancy room…

emmy 008emmy 009 all ready to go…

We headed to the OR around 8ish and by 8:47 she was out. She weighed a whopping 9 lbs. 6 oz. and was 20 inches long. PERFECT! It took extra long putting me back together, or so I thought and by the time I reached the recovery room, Emerson seemed to be in distress. She made a  grunt sound almost sing song like and they tried putting her on me to soothe her. After what seemed like 30 second they said they had to get her to the nursery and took her away. There is no way to describe this moment except for helpless. After all I was numb from my chest down and no one was around (Walker and the nurses rushed her to the nursery). After begging for God to make her be ok I broke. Tears were flowing and there was nothing anyone could say that would make them stop. Nothing was going as “I had planned” Dave is would get to hold his sister, I would not get to nurse her and no one would be able to see her for what seemed like forever. I was beyond crushed. The family all came in after briefly seeing her rushed from the nursery to the NICU and that broke me even more. My sweet D came over to me and immediately began comforting his momma. I told him I was so sorry he wasn’t able to see her and he seemed to be ok with that. After an hour in recovery we headed to my room.

 emmy 010patiently waiting

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emmy 015Emerson Oneita Wellington


emmy 016emmy 017her scores, and weight

emmy 018emmy 019proud paretns of two..

emmy 020emmy 021proud papa…


emmy 022 at last the moment I had waited for for 10 months

emmy 023emmy 024I wasn’t sharing this moment…so I let them get their picture made beside me

emmy 025NICU bound

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she was taken such care of by some of the greatest nurses but that didn’t seem to comfort this momma, I wanted to take care of her

Some of our precious moments in the NICU…time was sparingly given to us to hold her so we all took as much time as they would allow to love on our sweet girl…

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her daddy was so proud ..

emmy 033baby girl your daddy will never every leave you look at that hold…

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Mia’s first time holding baby Emerson

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sweet baby girl surviving the NICU as a 9pounder with all the 2-4 pounders..


emmy 041I am so proud of my strong baby girl

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Some of the visitors we had in the hospital…

Our time at home has been relatively smooth. Only walker, me, my mom and dad got to hold her in the hospital so there has been lots of snuggling and and pictures being taken. She is such a easy baby and seems to only cry when she is hungry or dirty. Davis always tells her its ok Emerson don’t cry I ‘m here. He is seriously the best big brother ever. He loves everything about her and her entrance into the world has not seem to impact negatively…yet!

emmy 123emmy 124ready to head to Milan

emmy 130emmy 132look how long she looks in her car seat…

emmy 135Meme’s first time holding Emerson

emmy 140We surprised Davis and didn’t tell him we were coming home, he was in LOVE..

emmy 141emmy 145emmy 146emmy 147emmy 158he sure missed his momma

emmy 161emmy 163emmy 165emmy 166emmy 167emmy 169emmy 170emmy 176emmy 177emmy 178Can you tell..he loves his sister!

emmy 183Lala’s first time holding Emerson

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Mia, Aunt Laura and Uncle Nick checking Emerson out…

Some priceless videos from the hospital and since we have been home…there are lots..enjoy!

WE have tons more photos and I will continuing blogging as I am able and have time, but kiddos sure grow up fast so don’t get upset if my blog posts are scarce for awhile! Thanks for all the love and prayers the last couple of days, we sure love our friends and family!


  1. I am so glad to hear everything is going well now. It sure it scary when your baby has a problem and you feel so helpless. She is beautiful. What a perfect addition to your family. Miss you guys!

  2. What a beautiful family! I talked to Murray B. at church & he told me about Emerson's birth and problems; lots of prayers went out for all of you. So glad things are going well now. Sometimes, as you know, we get those tid bits of letting us know WHO is in control even if we know it; just a reminder. Love Davis & his singing, Baa baa black sheep! That little gal is gonna love him & at the same time be irritated at times! Like Melanie was with Tony & Jason; Davis reminds me of how Tony did with her! Love & miss you guys but so thankful for your blog. Sometimes feels like you are still here!
